Tracy Isaacs
Special Advisor to the Provost on Gender-Based and Sexual Violence
Collective Action Theory, Ethics, Feminist Ethics
BA, MA Toronto;
My research focuses on issues of individual and collective responsibility in collective action contexts, collective obligation, ethics more broadly, including feminist ethics and food ethics. I also work on feminist issues in sport and fitness, food, dieting, and body image. Current projects include a book-in-progress on “imperfect veganism” and a paper on role responsibility in oppressive social contexts.
I am available to supervise PhD projects in any of these areas. Recent supervisions include dissertations on collective responsibility, the ethics of testimony, the role of law in the development of moral agents, a feminist defence of moderate moral intuitionism, and relationally in the context of natural goodness theory.
Recent Publications
Collectivity: Ontology, Ethics, and Social Justice (with Kendy Hess & Violetta Igneski). New York: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2018.
Fit at Mid-Life: A Feminist Fitness Journey (with Samantha Brennan). Vancouver: Greystone Books, 2018.
“The Part We Play: Social Group Categories as Roles,” in Alex Barber and Sean Cordell, editors, The Ethics of Social Roles (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023).
“Chapter Ten: What Would a Feminist Theory of Collective Action and Responsibility Look Like,” Collectivity: Ontology, Ethics, and Social Justice. Editors Kendy Hess, Violetta Igneski, and Tracy Isaacs (New York: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2018), pp. 223-239.