Katherine McKenna
Associate Professor
Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies & History MA PhD
Office: Lawson Hall 3246
Phone: 519-661-2111 ext. 84751
Specialist in 18th and early 19th century history of women and gender in the North Atlantic. Women's and gender history, violence against women and children, and international development.
Selected Publications
Editor. Labourers on the Rideau Canal, 1826-1832: From Work Site to World Heritage Site. Ottawa: Borealis Press, 2009, 135 pp.
with Audra Bowlus et al, (second author). The Economic Costs of Child Abuse in Canada. Ottawa: The Law Commision of Canada, 2004. 172 pp.
edited with June Larkin (first author). Violence Against Women: New Canadian Perspectives. Toronto: Inanna Press. 504 pp.
A Life of Propriety: Anne Murray Powell and her Family, 1755-1849. Kingston and Montreal: Mcgill-Queen's University Press, 1994. 327 pp. (Publication funded by the Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme)
Books Chapters:
"Women's Agency in Upper Canada: Prescott's Board of Police Record, 1830-1850" in James Opp and John C. Walsh, eds. Home, Work, and Play: Situating Canadian Social History, 2nd ed. Don Mills: Oxford University Press, 2010, 4-16. Reprint
"Working Life at the Isthmus, Rideau Canal, 1827-1831" in Katherine M.J. McKenna, ed. Labourers on the Rideau Canal, 1826-1832: From Work Site to World Heritage Site. Ottawa: Borealis Press, 2009), pp. 45-96.
Refereed Journal Articles
"E. Cora Hind's Feminist Thought: "The Women's Quiet Hour" in the Western Home Monthly, 1905-1922." Journal of Canadian Historical Association. 22, No.1, (2011) pp. 69-98. Conference proceddings from annula meeting, submitted by invitation.
"The Economic Costs of Violence Against Women" in A Parliamentary Response to Violence Against Women: Conference of Chairpersons and Members of Parliamentary bodies Dealing with Gender Equality. 204 December 2008, Geneva: Interparliamentary Union, 2009, pp. 75-8.
"Women's History, Gender Politics and the Interpretation of Canadian Historic Sites" Atlantis: A Women's Studies Journal, Vol. 30, No1 ( 2005) pp. 21-30.
"Women's Agency in Upper Canada: Prescott's Board of Police Record 1830-1850" Social History/Histoire Sociale, Vol 36, No. 72 (2003) 347-70, (Winner of the Canadian Historical Association 2005 Hilda Neatby Award.)
Research Reports
with Tanis Day and Audra Bowlus, (second author) Measuring the Economic Costs of Violence Against Women: An Evaluation of the Literature. Brief prepared for the Division for the Advancement of Women of the United Nations, October, 2005. pp.66.