Jacob Evoy
MA (Western University, Women's Studies)
MA (Western University, History)
Hon. BA(University of Ottawa, French as a Second Language and History)
Areas of Interest
Queer theory; queer history; trauma studies; Holocaust and genocide studies; multigenerational trauma; HIV/AIDS activism; representation; transitional justice; pop culture; eugenics
TA Assignments:(HIS 3427) History of the Holocaust; (WS 2205) Making Men: Critical Studies in Masculinities; (WS 2161) Women in Popular Culture: From Garbo to Gaga; (WS 1021) Introduction to Sexuality Studies; (WS 1022) Gender, Justice and Change; (WS 2240) Feminist Theory; (WS 3153) Bad Girls: Sexual Dissidence in Popular Culture; (WS 2220) Feminist Theory and Practice Across the Disciplines