Florence Anfaara
MA (Western University, Geography and Global Health Systems in Africa)
BA (University of Ghana, Legon, Sociology and Study of Religions)
Areas of Interest
Peace and post-conflict reconstruction in Africa; Feminism(s) in Africa; Colonialism, postcolonial and critical race theories; Grassroots activism; Communicable and non-communicable diseases in sub-Saharan Africa; Population and public health
Western Graduate Research Scholarship (WGRS) – 2018-2022
Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship – 2016-2018
Faculty of Arts and Humanities Dean’s Entrance Scholarship – 2018
Florence Margai Student Paper Award – 2018
Anfaara, F. W., Atuoye, K. N., Mkandawire, P., & Luginaah, I. (2018). Factors associated with voluntary testing for HBV in the Upper West Region of Ghana. Health & place, 54, 85-91.
Braslow, J., Lolig, V., Anfaara, F., Snyder, K. A., Dittoh, S., & Atindana, S. (2016). “Ti Na Nyang"–" We Can”. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Video (Available on https://youtu.be/8hw4ytnCU6A).
Anfaara, F.W., & Luginaah, I. The Influence of Primary Healthcare on HBV Voluntary Testing in the UWR of Ghana. Africa-Western Collaboration Day (AWC) Conference, Western University, London (Poster Presentation, 2018)
Anfaara, F.W., Atuoye, K.N., Mkandawire, P., Luginaah, I. Voluntary testing for HBV in the Upper West Region of Ghana: Where do people go? Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana (2018)
Anfaara, F.W., Atuoye, K.N., Luginaah, I. Health Information Sources and Perceptions of Hepatitis B Transmission in the Upper West Region of Ghana. Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG) Annual Conference. York University, Toronto (2017)
Anfaara, F.W., Atuoye, K.N., Antabe, R., Sano, Y., Luginaah, I. Place of Residence and Women Autonomy in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Conference. Boston, Massachusetts (2017)
Anfaara, F.W., Sano, Y., Antabe, R., Luginaah, I. Correlates of Women Decision-making Autonomy in Democratic Republic of Congo. Canadian Association of Geographers Ontario Division (CAGONT) Annual Conference, University of Waterloo (2016)
TA Assignments
Introduction to Women’s Studies (WS 1020E) – 2018-2019
Geography of Tourism (Geog 2144) – 2016-2018