Undergraduate Studies
Undergraduate Program Information
For more information about undergraduate programs in the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, please reference the contact information below:
Denice Litzan
Senior Academic Advisor
Western-Fanshawe Collaborative BScN Program
Michelle Wagler
Academic Advisor
Compressed Time Frame BScN Program
Rachel Pepper
Undergraduate Assistant
Leigh Ann Gougoulias
Practice Placement Coordinator
Scholarships and Awards

Through a variety of bursaries, scholarships and awards, generous financial support is available to assist undergraduate students in the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing through all phases of their education.
For a listing of all Western bursaries, scholarships and awards available to Nursing students:
- Visit the Student Services website
- Select the "Continue" button
- Search keyword "Nursing"
For a listing of FHS scholarships and awards available to Nursing students:
- Visit the FHS Scholarships page