Undergraduate Studies
General Contact Information
Tel: 519-661-3395
Undergrad: nurse@uwo.ca
Grad: gradnurs@uwo.ca
Room 3306, FIMS & Nursing Building
(see map)
Western University
London, Ontario N6A 5B9
Office Hours
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Faculty of Health Sciences Scholarships
WSIB Continuing Award in Nursing
Value: 2 at $7,500, awarded annually, continuing for 2 years ($15,000 per student)
Effective Date: 2024-2025 to 2029-2030 academic years inclusive (final new recipients selected in 2028-2029)
Awarded to full-time undergraduate students in Year 3 of the four-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) degree program based on academic achievement and their career interest in Nursing. Candidates must be Canadian citizens or eligible to work in Canada. The award will continue in Year 4 provided that recipients maintain a 70% average and full-time status in their Nursing program. If a recipient does not qualify to maintain the award, a replacement recipient in the same year will be selected. Recipients will have an opportunity to interview for a work term or internship with WSIB. Students are not guaranteed a work term or internship with WSIB. An offer of full-time employment with WSIB may also be extended pending successful completion of the program and work term, at WSIB’s sole discretion. A recipient is not obligated to participate in the work term or accept employment with WSIB following graduation to receive or retain the award.
Students must complete an application form in accordance with the deadline announced annually by the Faculty of Health Sciences (approx. September 30). A limited number of applicants will be chosen to participate in an interview.
A selection committee in the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing will short list applicants for the award. Short-listed candidates will be interviewed by a representative from WSIB, the Dean of Health Sciences and the Director of the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing or their designates. Final selection of recipients will be made by the selection committee in the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing.
This award is made possible by a contribution from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB).
Important Dates
Information session | September 18: Click here to register |
Application open | September 13 |
Application due | September 30 |
Shortlisted candidates notified | October |
Interviews held | Mid- to late-October |
Scholars Reception | TBD |