Mission, Vision & Values
Mission: Operations & Finance delivers services and programs enabling Western’s community to benefit society and achieve excellence on the world stage.
Vision: Operations & Finance will leverage its strengths as an innovative, pro-active, and responsive team collaborating to create the best experience for Western’s community.
Values: Our values serve as a compass for our actions and describe how we behave.
Collaboration and Communication: We work together to reach common goals and achieve the best results, and seek to build inclusive relationships with our entire community. We share information, engage openly, seek feedback, and ensure that all views are heard and respected.
Innovation: We creatively look for new ways to improve services in support of students, staff and faculty. We transcend traditional methods; seek out new ways to serve and contribute; and, encourage, develop and adapt new and visionary ideas.
Integrity and Respect: We create a culture of trust among one another. We treat every person with dignity, compassion, fairness and honesty; value the diversity, skills and ideas of each team member; and, maintain a high standard of professionalism.
Accountability: We take responsibility for our actions and follow through on our commitments. We work together in an open and clear fashion toward a common goal.
Leadership: We empower each other. We create and share a bold vision, and balance the interests of all stakeholders to shape a better future.
Excellence: We take pride in our work, strive for best practices, and delivery of high quality services. We use our knowledge and expertise in problem solving, and listen, engage and anticipate needs and priorities of our colleagues.