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Development and aging, Cognition and behaviour

Mapping ‘the magic’ of music, movement and the brain

November 17, 2021

Neuroscientist Jessica Grahn awarded prestigious NSERC research fellowship

Cognition and behaviour, Development and aging, Perception and action

New study makes sense of sensory processing in autistic children

November 15, 2021

Grouping sensory abilities helps better support kids with autism spectrum disorder

Cognition and behaviour, Announcements

Of mice and milkshakes: Journey to brain discovery

October 25, 2021

Tim Bussey, Ingrid Johnsrude, Michelle Mottola named Fellows of Canadian Academy of Health Sciences

Development and aging, Cognition and behaviour

Children’s screen time surged during pandemic

October 20, 2021

Western researchers find kids spend as much as 13 hours daily on screens.

Cognition and behaviour, Development and aging, Announcements

Western researchers to join the CERES network

October 01, 2021

The Jacobs Foundation has awarded a five-year, nearly $11-million grant to support the creation of the Connecting the EdTech Research EcoSystem ...

Cognition and behaviour, Development and aging

Bilingual advantage is a bust, study says

September 22, 2021

Research refutes popular notion on language proficiency in children.

Imaging methods, Development and aging

Unfolding the hippocampus

July 26, 2021

A new technique developed at Western University to visually iron out the wrinkles and folds in one region of the brain may provide researchers a ...

Cognition and behaviour, Development and aging

Training the brain to recognize voices

June 03, 2021

New research from Brain and Mind Institute and UCL suggests people may need to concentrate on the art of conversation more than ever following ...

Development and aging, Cognition and behaviour

‘Sounding it out’ not so easy for children with dyslexia

May 20, 2021

Western cognitive neuroscientists using MRI discovered a biological deficit for some early readers that impairs the ability to sound words out.

Cognition and behaviour, Clinical neuroscience

Western neuroscience spinoff sees growth in remote-care world

April 26, 2021

Adrian Owen, an investigator with Western’s Brain and Mind Institute, is currently using web-based cognitive function assessments to ...

Imaging methods, Motivation , emotion and arousal, Development and aging, Cognition and behaviour

Could COVID help identify teens at risk for mental health problems?

April 09, 2021

Pan Liu explores whether pre- and post-pandemic fMRI brain scans may drive early detection and interventions for vulnerable adolescents

Perception and action, Cognition and behaviour

Neuroscientists show planning ahead is key for controlling movement on and off the court

March 31, 2021

Western neuroscientists Giacomo Ariani, Neda Kordjazi, Andrew Pruszynski and Jörn Diedrichsen found that improving planning can have a ...

Imaging methods, Development and aging

Powerful brain imaging provides new insights on neurological symptoms of COVID-19

March 16, 2021

A team of Western scientists and clinicians is combining powerful brain imaging tools with Alzheimer’s and epilepsy expertise to better ...

Development and aging, Imaging methods

Imaging helps understand empathy loss in dementia

March 08, 2021

MRIs show subtle changes in the brains of patients with early-onset dementia, a finding that could lead to treatments for emotional processing ...

Imaging methods, Cognition and behaviour, Development and aging

Study pinpoints role of language disruptions in psychosis

February 18, 2021

Like a small airport trying to handle too much air traffic, parts of the brain not meant to process language are trying to perform this complex ...

Imaging methods, Cognition and behaviour

‘Brain training’ may help treat post-traumatic stress, clinical trial finds

January 26, 2021

Dr. Ruth Lanius finds neurofeedback can reduce symptoms and lead to remission in PTSD patients.

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