á Department of Technical Services Department of Technical Services Western University Arts and Humanities Logo



Technical Services provides an array of services to the students, faculty and staff of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

Technical Services Computer Support

Services include: computer hardware and software installation, as well as computer and computer peripheral maintenance and repair. Assistance with departmental and personal web page design, multimedia programming, and other computer based tasks are also provided by Technical Services. Computing Services are only available to the faculty and staff of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. All such inquiries should be directed towards Technical Services.


Smart Classrooms

Also called electronic or technology enhanced classrooms, these rooms are equipped with ceiling mounted data projectors, computers and Bluray players. Laptop connectivity is available, as is internet connectivity (through the use of the rack mounted computer or wireless connection). Inquiries for the booking of smart classrooms should be directed towards your departmental office. Inquiries for instruction on the use of smart classrooms should be directed towards Technical Services. Please visit our smart room webpage for further information.


Film Resource Centre (Film/Video Archive)

Film Resource, located in UC 1126/1126A, belongs to Faculty of Arts and Humanities' Department of Technical Services. Its function is to assist students and faculty with study and research of any topics within Arts and Humanities where use of film and video may be required. Our archive is comprised of over 8000 16mm films, DVD's and blueray's, all of which Arts and Humanities instructors may borrow for class screenings and research purposes. We have a lab made up of 6 viewing stations equipped with bluray players, available to both students and faculty.

Our online cataglog can be browsed by clicking here. 


Audio/Visual Equipment, Recording and Editing

Technical Services has a variety of equipment available for sign-out as well as facilities comprises of professional digital A/V editing suites. This equipment includes video production equipment, data projectors, TV/DVD trolleys, digital cameras, and many other recording and teaching aids.

These items can be signed out from the ArtsGear Sign-Out office located in the Visual Arts Building RM 244
Please click on the link here for more information or email artsgear@uwo.ca