
Current Clients

Those individuals who have been authorized are required to pre-book instruments before coming to the facility through our Calcium Calendar.  For instructions on how to use the Calcium calendar, please contact

All users of the Integrated Microscopy laboratory are to review the Standard Operating Procedures.  

New Users:

All new users should contact to start their registration process. New users, whether they are engaging in fee-for-service, remote analysis, or onsite training and microscopy need to complete these 2 forms in full and submit them to the email above:

The confidentiality agreement
The microscopy new client registration. This must be signed by the supervisor and have a speedcode or billing information.

New users who will be working onsite in the lab will also need:

  1. Provide us with copies of your WESTERN safety certificates below. These must be from Western and not the affiliated hospitals or other work sites. To provide proof of training please go to
    1. Laboratory Safety/Waste Management (within past 3 years)
    2. Biosafety (within past 3 years)
    3. WHIMS (within past 3 years)
    4. Health and Safety Awareness for Workers or Supervisors (good for life)
    5. Nikon confocal users need full Laser Safety Training
  2. A virtual orientation to the facility via Zoom (20 minutes) 
  3. An onsite safety tour (5 minutes)
  4. Specific instrument or method training

Once this has all been completed, you will be given access to the booking calendars for independent or assisted use of the facility.

If your analysis includes the use of biological substances please complete the Biological Agents Assessment Form (PDF, 71KB)