Appeals & Discipline

The University Secretariat manages and administers academic and non-academic appeals for the University and its Affiliated University Colleges. 

The University has established two internal tribunals to review the appeals filed with the Secretariat. The Senate Review Board Academic (SRBA) is the University’s highest level internal tribunal for academic appeals. The Board of Governors’ University Discipline Appeal Committee (UDAC) is the University’s highest-level internal tribunal for non-academic appeals. Additionally, the University Secretariat administers appeals under the policy on Gender-Based and Sexual Violence, which are reviewed by an Adjudicator.

Appeals to SRBA

The Senate Review Board Academic’s (SRBA) jurisdiction is limited to the following academic appeals:

  • a scholastic offence;
  • a failure to follow or properly apply a Senate regulation;
  • the Dean’s decision requires a student to withdraw from a program, from the University, or from an Affiliated University College;
  • general marking or grading practices;
  • a failure to observe a procedural requirement at the decanal level; or
  • bias at the decanal level.

Appeals to UDAC

The University Discipline Appeal Committee’s (UDAC) jurisdiction is limited to the following:

  • the finding of misconduct was unreasonable or unsupportable based on the evidence before the Vice-Provost (Students) (VPS) or designate (if the sanction is forfeiture of University awards or financial assistance, suspension or expulsion);
  • the sanction imposed was unreasonable or unsupportable based on the evidence before the VPS or designate (if the sanction imposed was forfeiture of University awards or financial assistance, suspension or expulsion);
  • there was a serious procedural error in the hearing of the complaint which was prejudicial to the student;
  • new evidence, not available at the time of the earlier decision, has been discovered, which casts doubt on the correctness of the decision; or
  • the VPS or designate did not have the authority under the Code of Student Conduct to reach the decision or impose the sanctions he/she did.

Appeals under the GBSV Policy

Appeals under the policy on Gender-Based and Sexual Violence are limited to the following:

  • the sanction imposed by the VPS or designate was unreasonable or unsupportable based on the evidence;
  • new evidence, not available at the time of the earlier decision, has been discovered, which casts doubt on the correctness of the decision; or
  • there was a serious procedural error in the hearing of the complaint which was prejudicial to the student.

Questions about Appeal Procedures

Please contact with any questions.