Scholarly Output



Heine, Michael.

  • Heine, M. “Olympic Commodification and Civic Spaces at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games: A Political Topology of Contestation.” The International Journal of the History of Sport. 35/9 (2018): 898-910.
  • Heine, M. Gwichya Gwich’in Googwandak. The History and Stories of the Gwichya Gwich’in. 3rd edition. Inuvik & Fort McPherson: GTC. 412 pp. (with Alestine Andre, Ingrid Kritsch, and Alma Cardinal).
  •  Heine, M. Guest editor. Special Issue: Sport Development and Olympic Studies: Past, Present, and Future. The International Journal of the History of Sport 35, no. 9 (2018). (with Stephan Wassong and Rob Hess).
  •  Heine, M. Editor: Olympika. International Journal for Olympic Studies 27 (2018).
  •  Heine, M. Editor: Global Fault Lines in Olympic and Paralympic Sport. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Symposium for Olympic Studies. London, ON: ICOS. (with Laura Misener and Robert K. Barney).
  •  Heine, M. “Olympic Indigeneity at the Alberta Sports Hall of Fame”. In: M. Heine, R. Barney, L. Misener (eds.). Global Fault Lines in Olympic and Paralympic Sport. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Symposium for Olympic Studies. London, ON: ICOS. 37-38.
  •  Heine, M. “The Toy Bulldog from the Blood Reserve’: Eddie First Rider and the Racial Politics of Canadian Boxing, 1950-1970,” Telling the Stories of Race and Sports in Canada Symposium, University of Windsor, Sep 28-30, 2018. (with Mac Ross and Jared Walters).

Howe, David.

  • Howe, P.D. (2019) ‘Sport for Development and Peace and Disability’ in Collison, H., Darnell, S., Giulianotti, R and Howe, P.D. (eds.) Routledge Handbook Sport for Development and Peace. London: Routledge. Pp. 275- 284.
  • Collison, H., Darnell, S., Giulianotti, R and Howe, P.D. (2019) Introduction in Collison, H., Darnell, S., Giulianotti, R and Howe, P.D. (eds.) Routledge Handbook Sport for Development and Peace. London: Routledge. Pp. 1-11.
  • Silva, C. F. and Howe, P. D. (2019) Sliding to Reverse Ableism: An Ethnographic of (Dis)ability in Sitting Volleyball. Societies 2019, 9, 41; http://doi:10.3390/soc9020041.
  • Darnell, S., Giulianotti, R., Howe, P.D. and Collison, H., (2018) ReAssembling Sport for Development and Peace Through Actor Network Theory: Insights from Kingston, Jamaica Sociology of Sport Journal, Vol. 35, 89-97
  • Perkin, S.J. and Howe, P.D (2018) ‘A Foucauldian Interpretation of Paralympic sport in the United Arab Emirates: an exploration through a virtual lens’ The International Journal of the History of Sport
  • Silva, C. F. and Howe, P. D. (2018) ‘The Social Empowerment of Difference: The Potential Influence of Parasport’ Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America. Vol. 29(2): 397-408.
  • Howe, P. D. (2018) ‘Athlete, Anthropologist and Advocate: moving toward a lifeworld where difference is celebrated’ Sport and Society: Culture, Commerce, Media, Politics. Vol.21(4) 678-688. http://doi/full/10.1080/17430437.2016.1273628.
  • Collison, H., Giulianotti, R., Howe, P.D. and Darnell, S., (2018) ‘The methodological dance: critical reflections on conducting a cross-cultural comparative research project on ‘Sport for Development and Peace’’ in Whitley, M. A., Massey, W.V., Darnell, S.C. and Smith, B. Sport in Underresourced, Underdeveloped, and Conflict Regions. London: Routledge.
  • Howe, P. D. (2018) ‘Paralympic sport and social justice: Toward a happy marriage or difficult separation?’ in Watermeyer, B., McKenzie, J. and Swartz, L. Palgrave Handbook for Disability Citizenship in the Global South. London: Palgrave.

Misener, Laura.

  • Frawley, S., Misener, L., Locke, D. & Schulenkorf, N. (2019). Leadership practices and global sport management. London, UK: Routledge.
  • Misener, L., & Howe, P.D. (2019). Sports and Disability. In J. Maguire, M. Falcous, and K. Liston, Business and Culture of Sports: Society, Politics, Economy, and Environment. London: Cengage.
  • Misener, L., *Bodin, K. & *Quinn, N. (2019). Paralympics Paradox: Paralympics, Parasport Bodies, and Legacies of Media Representation. In B. Hadley and D. MacDonald, Routledge Handbook of Disability Arts, Culture, and Media. London, UK: Routledge.
  • Misener, L. & *Wasser, K. (2019). Participatory Sport and Sport for Development: Response to Dr. Hayhurst. In J. Welty-Peachey and B.C. Green Partnerships for Sport Development and Peace. Urbana, IL: Sagamore.
  • Misener, L. & Molloy, K. (2018). Managing the Paralympic Games. In I. Brittain, Routledge Handbook of Paralympic Games (p. 197-219). London, UK: Routledge.
  • Misener, L. (2019). Partnerships for Building Capacity to Deliver Positive Parasport Impacts. Paper presented at ORME Olympic and Paralympic Legacies, Paris, France. (June 17, 2019 abstract and oral presentation).
  • Misener, L. (November 2019). Safe sport and inclusion in sport: Greater Toronto Hockey League. Invited panel keynote presentation (Greater Toronto Hockey League Conference, Toronto).

Schneider, Angela J.

  • Schneider, A. J . (2019) “William J. Morgan on Fair Play, Treatment versus Enhancement and the Doping Debates in Sport.” Sport, Ethics and Philosophy. Vol. 12, Issue 4. Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group pp. 386-400.
  • Schneider, A. J. & Sales, D. (2019) “The Future Role of the Paralympics in Times of “rebuilt bodies.” In Emerging Technologies in Sport: Implications for Sport Management: Ch. 9.1 st Edtion (ed.) C. Mallen. (hardback) Routledge Press, London and New York. ISBN: 978-0-8153-6063-6. Pp. 142-155.
  • Angela J. Schneider. “Advancing Human Rights Through Sport.” Keynote Address for the British Philosophy of Sport Association Annual Conference, Trinity College, Oxford. April, 2019. – Invited keynote Address.
  •  Angela J. Schneider. “Issues on the Future of Water Sports.” Invited Panel Discussion, Charles University, Prauge, Czech Republic. April, 2019. – Invited panel presentation.
  •  Angela J. Schneider, Invited Visiting Professor, Charles University, Prague, April -May, 2019
  • Angela J. Schneider, Guest Editor, Sport, Ethics & Philosophy 2018-2020.

 Graduate Students

  • *Bassi, H., Lee, C., Misener, L., Johnson, A.M. (2019). Exploring the characteristics of crowdsourcing: An online observational study. Journal of Information Science.
  • *Bodin, K. & Misener, L. (2019). Integrating theoretical approaches: Practice theory and neo-institutionalism in sport management research. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, New Orleans, USA. (June 1, 2019 abstract and oral presentation).
  • *Chen, C., Mason, D., & Misener, L. (2018). Exploring media coverage of the 2017 World Indigenous Games: A critical discourse analysis. Event Management, 22(6), 1009-1025.
  • *Jónasdóttir, S. K., Hand, C., Misener, L., & Polgar, J. (2018). Applying case study methodology to occupational science research. Journal of Occupational Science, 25:3, 393- 407, DOI: 10.1080/14427591.2018.1480409.
  • *Rich, K. A. & Misener, L. (2019). Get Active Powassan: Developing sport and recreation programs and policies through participatory action research in a rural community context. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health. Doi: 10.1080/2159676X.2019.1636850.
  • *Rich, K. & Misener, L. (2019). Playing on the periphery: Troubling sport policy, systemic exclusion, and the role of sport in rural Canada. Social Inclusion. Doi: 10.17645/si.v5i2.1060
  • *Sales, D. & Misener, L. (2019). Understanding the Athlete Experience of Para-Sport Pathways: Para-Swimming. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, New Orleans, USA. (June 1, 2019 abstract and poster presentation).



Barney, Robert K.

  • Barney, R.K. 'Old Ontario Boys’ and 'the only Hobo in the Bunch': The Diaries of Dr. Lewis H. Campbell and Frank J. Grace and the Grand World Lacrosse Tour of 1907. Paper delivered at the 2018 Annual Convention of the North American Society for Sport History. Winnipeg, MB, May 2018.
  • Barney, R.K. “Branding the Maple Leaf: The Olympic Games and the Rise of Canadian National and International Identity,” in Collections of Olympic Papers, Dongguang Pei, ed. (Beijing: Beijing Sport University Press, 2017), pp. 1-25
  • Barney, R.K. Review of More Than Just Games:  Canada and the 1936 Olympics (Richard Menkis and Harold Troper), in Histoire Sociale, Vol. LI, No. 103, May 2018, pp.186-189
  •  Barney, R.K. Review of Playing for Change: The Struggle for Sport and Recreation, (Russell Field, ed.), in Histoire Sociale, Vol. LI, No. 103, May 2018, pp. 189-192.
  •  “Nolympic Committee” of Denver, Colorado.  Delivered a presentation to this citizen group pondering the possibility of Denver bidding for the 2026 or later Olympic Winter Games.  Presentation dealt with the pros and cons of dedicating public monies (citizen tax revenues) towards bidding or hosting Olympic Games.  Since then the Nolympic Committee has morphed into the Let Denver Vote Committee with the agenda to place a Denver election item on the next June (2019) ballot towards making it mandatory that a public referendum be held before committing Denver public monies to either an Olympic bid or an Olympic hosting commitment.

Heine, Michael

  • Heine, M. Olympic Legacies, the 2018 winter Olympic Games, and the Future of the Games. Invited Presentation at the Korean Cultural Centre / Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Ottawa, ON., January 24, 2018.
  • Heine, M. 'Then we’ll have to call it ‘traditional-traditional’: Coaching rationality and indigenous games in Canadian Arctic and sub-Arctic indigenous cultures. Paper delivered at the 2018 Annual Convention of the North American Society for Sport History. Winnipeg, MB, May 2018.
  • Heine, M. (ed.). Olympika. International Journal of Olympic Studies. vol. 26 (2017).
  •  Heine, M. “Civic and Olympic Spaces at the 2010 Olympic Winter Games: A Political Topology of Contestation”. Symposium Sport Development and Olympic Studies: Past, Present, Future.’ German Sports University Cologne, 11 July 2017.

Misener, Laura.

  • Misener, L., McPherson, G., McGillivray, D. & Legg, D. (2018). Leveraging Disability Sport Events: Impacts, Promises, and Possibilities. London, UK: Routledge.
  • Misener, L. & Molloy, K. (2018). Managing the Paralympic Games. In I. Brittain, Routledge Handbook of Paralympic Games (p. 197-219). London, UK: Routledge.
  • McGillivray, D., McPherson, G., & Misener, L. (2018). Major sporting events and geographies of disability. Urban Geography, 39(3), 329-344.
  • Taks, M., Green, B. C., Misener, L., & Chalip, L. (2018). Sport participation from sport events: why it doesn’t happen? Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 36(2), 185-198.
  • Misener, L. (2017). Legacy in the Paralympic Games. In, S. Darcy, D. Adair, and S. Frawley (Eds.), Managing the Paralympic Games (p. 93-112). London: Palgrave McMillan.
  • Misener, K. & Misener, L. (2017). Grey is the new black: Advancing understanding of new organizational forms and blurring sector boundaries in sport management. Journal of Sport Management, 31, 125-132.
  • Dickson, T., Misener, L., & Darcy, S. (2017). Disability sport-event legacies research to enhance destination competitiveness. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29, 924-946. doi:10.1108/IJCHM-10-2015-0530.
  • McPherson, G., Misener, L., McGillivray, D., & Legg, D. (2017). Creating public value through parasport events: Enabling progressive opportunity. Event Management, 21, 185- 199. doi:10.3727/152599517X14878772869649.
  • Misener, L., Taks, M., Green, B.C., & Chalip, L. (2017). Building Capacity for Sport Development: Parental Perceptions of Participation Benefits. Paper presented at Sport Management Australia New Zealand Conference, Gold Coast, AUS. (December 1, 2017, abstract and oral presentation).
  • Misener, L., Taks, M., Chalip, C., Green, B., & Rich, K., (2017). Getting Some Action: Building Sport Management Theory and Practice through Action Research. Workshop presented at the North American Society for Sport Management, Denver, CO. (abstract and workshop).
  • Misener, L., Taks, M., Chalip, C., & Green, B (2017). Experience Effects on Perceptions of Sport: A Comparison of Sport Associations of Participants and Non-Participants. Paper presented at the European Association of Sport Management Conference, Bern, CH. (Sept 5., abstract and oral presentation).
  • Misener, L. (2017). The Paralympic Games and Social Impact: Beyond the Rhetoric. Keynote address presented at VISTA (International Paralympic Committee Conference), September 23, Toronto, ON. (abstract and oral presentation)

Schneider, Angela J.

  • Schneider, A. J . & Gonsalves, M. (2018) “The Role and Relationship of Science and Ethics in the Evaluation of Fairness in Sport.” Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics. 10.1080/17430437.2018.1435033.
  • Angela J. Schneider. “Current Ethical Issues in Sport.” Royal Roads University, March, 2018, Victoria, British Columbia.  – Invited lecture.  
  • Angela J. Schneider. “William J. Morgan’s Contributions to the Doping Debates in Sport.” Symposium on Tributes to the Works of William J. Morgan. University of Southern California, April, 2018, Los Angeles, California.  – Invited paper presentation 
  • Angela J. Schneider. “Critical Analysis of Fair Play in Sport.”  MAiSI European Union program. Leuven University, April, 2018, Leuven, Belgium.  – Invited lectures  
  • Angela J. Schneider. “Advancing Human Rights Through Sport.” Royal Roads University, May, 2018, Victoria, British Columbia.  – Invited lecture

Stocking, Charles

  • "Pouvoir, force, et la poétique de l’agôn en Grèce archaïque." Four lectures at EHESS, Paris, May 2018.
  • “Plus fort : la problématique de la force”, May 3;
  • “Vérité, conflit, et contingence dans l’agôn athlétique”, May 14; 
  • “Une théo-politique du pouvoir”, May17;
  • “Kratos avant democratie” May 17.
  • Organizer and Academic advisor for International Olympic Academy and Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies Symposium: Sport, Society, Culture. Olympia, Greece. July 2018

Graduate Students

  • Cooke, Nevada. Gerald Ford and the President's Commission on Olympic Sports. Paper delivered at the 2018 Annual Convention of the North American Society for Sport History. Winnipeg, MB, May 2018.
  •  Fabian, Tom. The Dave Pickett Story: Regionalism, Eligibility, and Adjudication in Canadian University Sport. Paper delivered at the 2018 Annual Convention of the North American Society for Sport History. Winnipeg, MB, May 2018.
  •  Misener, L., *Bodin, K., & *Kay, M. (2017). Integrated Governance in Canadian Sport: A Case Study of Swimming. Poster presented at VISTA (International Paralympic Committee Conference), September 22, Toronto, ON. (abstract and poster presentation).
  •  *Paradis, F. & Misener, L. (2017). Reviewing Long Term Athlete Development for Parasport Athletes: Considerations and Future Directions. Poster presented at VISTA (International Paralympic Committee Conference), September 22, Toronto, ON. (abstract and poster presentation).
  •  Pettit, Andrew. Soft Success, Hard Failure: Sport-Diplomacy, Power and the U.S. Boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Paper delivered at the 2018 Annual Convention of the North American Society for Sport History. Winnipeg, MB, May 2018.
  •  Pettit, Andrew. “The Modern Olympic Truce and the Changing Nature of the IOC’s Advocacy for Peace.” Olympika. International Journal of Olympic Studies 26 (2017), 53-72.
  •  *Quinn, N. & Misener, L. (2017). Paralympic Pedagogy: Understanding the Culture of Paralympic Sport. Paper presented at the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, November 2, Windsor, ON. (abstract and oral presentation).
  •  *Quinn, N. & Misener, L. (2017). Let me hear your body talk: Narratives of sport physiotherapy and Paralympic bodies. Paper presented at VISTA (International Paralympic Committee Conference), September 21, Toronto, ON. (abstract and oral presentation).
  •  *Quinn, N. & Misener, L. (2018). The Athlete Village: Pianos, Pools, and the Pub. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Sociology conference, Vancouver, Canada. (November 1, 2018 abstract and oral presentation).
  •  *Quinn, N. & Misener, L. (2018). Managing Para-Athletes Experience and Engagement with Sport Medicine in Large Scale Sport Events. Paper presented at the European Association of Sport Management, Malmo, Sweden. (November 1, 2018 abstract and oral presentation).
  •  *Rich, K. A., & Misener, L. (2017). Contextualizing Rural Community Recreation: In-sights from Powassan, Ontario. Paper presented at the Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, Kitchener, ON.
  • *Rich, K. A. & Misener, L. (2018). Resisting, reproducing, and recreation rurality through leisure: Insights from rural Canada. Paper presented at the International Sociological Association Conference, Toronto, Canada.
  • *Rich, K. A. & Misener, L. (2018). Playing on the periphery: Troubling sport policy, systemic exclusion, and the place of rural sport in Canada. Paper presented at the Leisure Studies Association Conference, Bath, UK.
  •  *Rich, K. A., & Misener, L. (2018). Putting the “Social” in Social Change: Moving Forward in Research and Practice of Managing Sport for Social Change. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, Halifax, NS. (abstract and oral presentation).
  • * Rich, K. A., Misener, L., & the Municipality of Powassan Recreation Committee (2017). Managing Sport and Recreation in and For Communities. Presented Paper at the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation Conference, Nelson, BC. (abstract and oral presentation).
  •  * Rich, K. A., & Misener, L. (2017). Contextualizing Rural Community Recreation: Insights from Powassan, Ontario. Presented Paper at the Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, Kitchener, ON. (abstract and oral presentation).
  •  Schneider, A. J. & *Gonsalves, M. (2018) “Institutional Doping and the 2016 Russian Doping Scandal.” International Association for the Philosophy of Sport 2015 Annual Conference. Paper Presentation and Book of Abstracts. Norwegian Sport University, Oslo, Norway. e-publication.
  • Van Waas, Courtney. Paper delivered at the 2018 Annual Convention of the North American Society for Sport History. Winnipeg, MB, May 2018.
  •  Walters, Jared (ed.). “Journal Article Reviews.” Olympika. International Journal of Olympic Studies 26 (2017), 107-115.
  •  Walters, Jared. The History of Mixed Martial Arts in Canada, 1996-2011. Paper delivered at the 2018 Annual Convention of the North American Society for Sport History. Winnipeg, MB, May 2018.
  •  Walters, Jared. Blood and Bylaws: A Thematic Analysis of State Athletic Commissions’ Responses to Fighter Deaths in Mixed Martial Arts. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the North American Society for Sport Management, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 2018.
  • *Wasser, K., & Misener, L. (2017). Legacy vs. Leverage – Whose Responsibility?: Organizational forms in legacy governance. Presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, May 30-June3, Denver, CO. (abstract and poster presentation).



Barney, Robert K.

  • Barney, R.K. Edward Archibald and the Political Symbolism of the 1908 Olympic Games.” Olympika. International Journal of Olympic Studies. 25 (2016); 88-107.

Forsyth, Janice

  • Forsyth, J. & Heine, M. “ ‘The Only Good Thing that Happened at School’: Colonising Narratives of Sport in the Indian School Bulletin.” British Journal of Canadian Studies. 30/2 (2017): 205-22.
  • Wassong, S., Baka, R., & Forsyth, J. (Eds). Olympic Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.

Heine, Michael

  • Heine, M. (ed.). The Future of the Olympic Event in the Age of the Mega-Spectacle. Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium for Olympic Research. London, ON: ICOS.
  • Heine, M. “Esquimaux Races on the Mid-way: Aboriginal Cultures at the Pan-American Exhibition, Buffalo, NY, 1901.” In: R. Kimball (ed.), 2016 Proceedings of the North American Society for Sport History. Iowa City, IO: NASSH, 2016: 2-3.
  • Heine, M. “Topology of Contestation.” Paper presented at the Sport Development and Olympic Studies:Past, Present and Future”. German Sports University, Cologne, Germany. July 10, 2017.
  • Heine, M. & K.B. Wamsley (eds.). Olympika. International Journal for Olympic Studies. vol. 25 (2016)
  • Forsyth, J. & Heine, M. “‘The Only Good Thing that Happened at School’: Colonising Narratives of Sport in the Indian School Bulletin.” British Journal of Canadian Studies. 30/2 (2017): 205-22.
  • Paraschak, V. & M. Heine. “Co-transforming through shared understandings of land-based practices in S4D.” Sport and sustainable development: Setting a Research Agenda. University of Toronto, June 8, 2017.

Misener, Laura

  • Misener, L., McGillivray, D., McPherson, G., & Legg, D. (2016). Examining Parasport Events through the lens of Critical Disability Studies. In I. Lamond (Eds), Critical Event Studies. London, UK: Palgrave Publishing.
  • Misener, L. & Wasser, K. (2016). International sports development. In, E. Sherry, N. Schulenkorf, and P. Phillips (Eds.), Managing Sport Development. London: Routledge.
  • McPherson, G., O’Donnell, H., Misener, L., & McGillivray, D. (2016). Home Grown Heroes or Superstars? Media Representation of Parasport at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. Disability & Society, 31(5), 659-675. doi:10.1080/09687599.2016.1197823

Schneider, Angela J.

  • Schneider, A. J. (2016) “On the Temptations of Doping: Moral Relativism and the Tour de France.” In.  How Canadians Communicate About Sports (eds.) Taras, D. & Waddell, C. AU Press, Canada. ISBN 978-1-77199-007-3 pp. 319-340.
  • Schneider, A. J. (2016) “Ethics and the Use of New Medical Treatments and Technologies as a Method of Recovery, Repair, and Regeneration in Sport: An Inversion of the Doctrine of Double Effect.” 15th Annual United States Anti-Doping Agency Symposium. pp.25-38. USADA, Colorado Springs, CO. e-publication.
  • Schneider, A. J. (2017) “The Concept of Doping.” In.  Routledge Handbook of Drugs and Sport (eds.) Moller, V. (hardback) Routledge Press, London and New York. ISBN:979-1-138-29482-0. pp. 9-19.
  • Schneider, A. J. (2017) “Lance Armstrong and the Tour de France: Ethical Perspectives.” In Modern Sports Ethics: A Reference Handbook. 2 nd Edition (ed.) A. Lumpkin.  Publisher ABC-CLIO, Inc. Santa Barbara, California.
  • Waddell, M. & Schneider, A. J. (2017) “Fair Play and Rights-based Sports.” In Reflecting on Modern Sport in Ancient Olympia. (proceedings of the 2016 IAPS Conference) (eds.) H. Reid & E. Moore. Parnassos Press, Fonte Aretusa, Sioux City, IA. ISBN: 978-1942495215. pp. 129-146.
  • Angela J. Schneider. “The Role and Relationship of Science and Ethics in the Evaluation of Gender and ‘Fair Play’ in Sports .” International Association for the Philosophy of Sport 2017 Annual Conference.  Whistler, British Columbia, September 2017.
  • Angela J. Schneider. “Cheating, Fair Play, Gamesmanship vs. Sportsmanship: Respect for the Game.” Symposium on “Getting an Edge: What law can teach sport and sport can teach law(yers).” New York Law School, October 2017, New York, New York. – Invited
  •  Angela J. Schneider. - Invited Visiting Professor, KU Leuven University, Leuven, Belgium.

Graduate Students

  • Dongwan (Avril) He & Angela J. Schneider. “Superiority Or Inferiority: A Discussion Of Test And Contest In Sports Competition At The 2016 Rio Olympic Games.” International Centre for Olympic Studies Research Symposium, Western University, London, Ontario.
  • Mikael Gonsalves & Angela J. Schneider. “The 2016 Russian Anti-Doping Scandal.” International Centre for Olympic Studies Research Symposium, Western University, London, Ontario.
  • Petrella, John. “The Representation of Violence. Selected Canadian and American Newspaper Coverage of the 1968 Mexico City Massacre.” Olympika. vol 25 (2016): 37-67.
  • Schneider, A. J. & Gonsalves, M. (2018) “Institutional Doping and the 2016 Russian Doping Scandal.” International Association for the Philosophy of Sport 2015 Annual Conference. Book of Abstracts.
  • Walters, J. “So you want to be an Ultimate Fighter?” The commodification of masculinity in the inaugural season of The Ultimate Fighter.” Paper delivered at the 2017 Convention of the North American Society for Sport History. California State University-Fullerton, May.




Barney, Robert K.

  • Robert K. Barney and Michael K. Heine, “`The emblem of one united body … one great sporting Maple Leaf’: The Olympic Games and Canada’s Quest for Self-identity,” in Sport in Society, Special Issue, The British World and the Five Rings: Essays in British Imperialism and the Modern Olympic Movement, Vol. 18, No. 7 (September 2015), pp. 816-834.
  • Robert K. Barney, “How has the Olympic Movement changed since Sydney 2000,” in Olympic Ideas Nowadays: Perception and Insights, D. Chatziefstathiou, X. Ramon, A Miragawa, eds. (Barcelona: Centre for Olympic Studies and Sport, 2016), pp. 71-72.
  • Robert K. Barney, “How have London 2012 and Sochi 2014 supported or changed the Olympic Movement,” in Olympic Ideas Nowadays: Perception and Insights, D. Chatziefstathiou, X. Ramon, A. Miragawa, eds. (Barcelona: Centre for Olympic Studies and Sport, 2016), pp. 133-134.
  • Robert K. Barney, Review of More Than Just Games: Canada and the 1936 Olympics” by Richard Menkis and Harold Troper, in Journal of Olympic History, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2015, pp. 76-78.

Forsyth, Janice

  • “Culture to culture: Agenda 21 and the Commodification of Indigenous Culture in Olympic Games.” PUBLIC: Arts | Culture | Ideas, 53, pp. 22-34.
  • Forsyth, J. “The Rio 2016 Olympics and the Mega-Event Machine.” Invited speaker for a four-person panel, with Jules Boykoff, Ben Carrington, and Michelle Moore, for SXSW in Austin, Texas, March 11.
  • Forsyth, J. “The Politics of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.” Invited speaker for this two-person panel, with Jules Boykoff, Pacific University, for The Politics and Potential of Sport, hosted by the University of Texas at Austin, March 10, 2016.
  • Forsyth, J. “Our home on Native land: Selling Aboriginal involvement in the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games.” Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport History Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA. May 2016.
  • Invited Speaker, Classes Without Quizzes, hosted by Western Alumni Relations for the general public. Lecture, “So you think you’re female? Sex testing and the Olympic Games,” delivered at the London Public Library, Central Branch, April 4, 2016.
  • Public Media Writings
    • “The Olympics’ Exploitation of Indigenous People Has to Stop,” Blog, Huffington Post, May 12, 2016.
    • “’Dsquaw’ Indicative of Industry That Turn Prejudice Into Profit.” Blog, Huffington Post, April 11.
    • “Team Canada’s Olympic Outfits Are a Problem.” Blog, Huffington Post, April 1.
    • “Toronto Abandoned a 2024 Bid but There are Still Questions to Be Answered.” Blog, Huffington Post, September 20.
    • “A Costly Toronto Olympic Bid Is Unlikely to Pay Off.” Blog, Huffington Post, September 13.
    • “2024 Olympic Bid Process Suffers From a Lack of Transparency.” Blog, Huffington Post, September 4.
    • “Toronto’s 2024 Olympic Bid Process Suffered from Democracy Deficit.” Blog, Huffington Post, August 27.
    • “Cities Should Beware These Changes to the Olympic Bidding Process.” Blog, Huffington Post, August 24.
    • “What’s Tory’s Olympic Game?” Now Toronto Magazine, August 13.

Heine, Michael

  • Barney, Robert K. and Michael K. Heine, “`The emblem of one united body … one great sporting Maple Leaf’: The Olympic Games and Canada’s Quest for Self-identity,” in Sport in Society, Special Issue, The British 10 World and the Five Rings: Essays in British Imperialism and the Modern Olympic Movement, Vol. 18, No. 7 (September 2015), pp. 816-834.
  • Barney, Robert K. and Michael Heine (eds.). The Future of the Olympic Event in the Age of the Mega-Spectacle. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium for Olympic Research. London, ON: ICOS, 2016.
  • Cathcart, Michael & Michael Heine, “A Thematic Analysis of Environmental Sustainability Narratives at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics.” In: M. Heine & R.K. Barney (eds). The Future of the Olympic Event in the Age of the Mega-Spectacle. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium for Olympic Research. London, ON: ICOS, 2016. 23-25.
  • Heine, M. & Wamsley, K. (Eds.) (2015). Olympika: The International Journal of Olympic Studies. Vol. 24. London, ON: International Centre for Olympic Studies. 140pp.
  • Heine, Michael. “Aboriginal Identity Positions at the Intersections of Sports and Traditional Games: The Arctic Winter Games”. Paper read at the Association for Canadian Studies Annual Conference, Gatineau, Quebec, October 23-25. Invited Presentation.

 Angela Schneider

  • Schneider, A. J. (2016) “A Critical Review of R. L. Simon’s Contributions to the Doping Sport Literature.” Journal of the Philosophy of Sport . 43 (1) Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group, ISSN 0094-8705 March, pp.102-128.
  • Schneider, A. J.  & Routledge, London and New York Williams, M. M. “Thoughts on being the gadfly in the sport sciences ointment: building the road to meta-theoretical research creation.” In The Social Science of Sport (eds.) Carlsson, B. & Hedebourg, S. Routledge, London and New York.
  • Angela J. Schneider. “Fair Play and Rights-based Sports.” International Association for the Philosophy of Sport 2016 Annual Conference. Ancient Olympia, Greece, September 2016.
  • Angela J. Schneider. “Ethics and the Use of New Medical Treatments and Technologies as a Method of Recovery, Repair, and Regeneration in Sport.” 15th Annual United States Anti-Doping Agency Symposium. Bellevue, Washington, USA. October 2016. – Invited

Graduate Students

  • Cathcart, Michael & Michael Heine, “A Thematic Analysis of Environmental Sustainability Narratives at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics.” In: M. Heine & R.K. Barney (eds). The Future of the Olympic Event in the Age of the Mega-Spectacle. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Symposium for Olympic Research. London, ON: ICOS, 2016. 23-25.
  • Cooke, Nevada. “Preserving the American Way: US President Gerald Ford and American Involvement in the 1976 Olympic Games,” in: Toby Rider & Kevin Witherspoon (eds.). Defending the American Way of Life . forthcoming.
  • Cooke, Nevada. “Preserving the American Way. Gerald Ford and the President's Commission on Olympic Sport in the Shadow of Cold War Politics." Paper Presented at the 2016 Annual Convention of the North American Society for Sport History, Atlanta, Georgia, May 28-June 1, 2016.
  • Nagel, Evan. The Buck Starts Here: The Miracle on Ice, the NHL Draft, the 1984 U.S. Olympic Hockey Team, and the Beginning of the End for Olympic Amateurism. Extended Graduate Research Paper, December 2015.
  • Walters, Jared. “Two men enter, one man leaves.” The history of the political and legal struggles during the founding of mixed martial arts in North America. Paper Presented at the 2016 Annual Convention of the North American Society for Sport History, Atlanta, Georgia, May 28-June 1, 2016.
  • Waddell, Matthew, PhD, 2012-2016.  Free Play: Removing Barriers to Athletic Self-Expression in Sport – Parasport in Varsity Rowing. August 2016. Supervisor - Schneider



Forsyth, Janice

  • Forsyth, J. & Wamsley, K. (Eds.) (2013). Olympika: The International Journal of Olympic Studies, London, ON: International Centre for Olympic Studies.
  • Forsyth, J. & Archer, J. (2014, May). Fred Simpson is no Tom Longboat: Public memory and the construction of historical knowledge. Sport History Review, 45(1): 37-58.
  • Forsyth, J. (2014, February). “The ‘anti-gay’ law and Sochi 2014: Are the Games an effective vehicle for social change? Historical patterns, current possibilities.” Invited presentation made at the AGM, Amnesty Western, Western University, ON.
  • Forsyth, J. (2013, September). “Possible intersections for research collaboration in the socio-cultural area.” Presentation for ICOS made at the 3rd International Symposium for Collaboration in Research, Teaching and Exchange, London, ON.
  • Forsyth, J. (2013, August). A Pacesetter: The International Centre for Olympic Studies at Western University. In R. Baka & R. Hess, (Eds.), On the Periphery: New Perspectives on the Olympic Movement (pp. 11-16). Sydney, AUS: Walla Walla Press.

Schneider, Angela

  • Schneider, A. J., Williams, M. & Szudy, N. (2014) “The State of the Art: Meta-Theory and New Research Methods.” Journal of the Philosophy of Sport. 41 (1) Human Kinetics (pub.), ISSN 0094-8705 pp.79-96.
  • Schneider, A. J. & Williams, M. (2014) “Thoughts on being the gadfly in the sport sciences ointment: building the road to meta-theoretical research creation.” Journal of Sport in Society, Vol.17, No.2 Taylor & Francis, Routledge, UK, ISSN 1743-0445
  • J. Schneider. (2014) "Towards an Understanding of the Canadian Influence on the IOC and the Creation of WADA." Intersections and Intersectionalities in Olympic and Paralympic Studies. (eds.) Forsyth et. al. Twelfth International Symposium for Olympic Resarch. ICOS, Western University, pp. 137. London, Canada.
  • Schneider, A. J.  “Doping.” In Companion to the Philosophy of Sport. (ed.) Torres, Cesar R. (ed). London: Bloomsbury, (2014) pp. 105-115.
  • Schneider, A. J. “Sport: The Bioethics.” in Bioethics , 4 th Edition.  Edited by Bruce Jennings. Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA, 2014. E-Book.
  • Angela J. Schneider. “A Philosophical Perspective on the Relationship between the Logic of Sports and the Ethics of Sport.” European College of Sport Sciences, 20 th Annual Congress, Malmo, Sweden. June 2015. – Invited
  • Angela J. Schneider. “Problems and Opportunities in Mixing Social Science and Natural Sciences in Sport Studies.” Lecture at Malmo University, Sweden. June 2015. – Invited
  • Angela J. Schneider. “Barriers to Women’s Participation in Competitive Master’s Sport.” Sarasota Rowing Club, Florida, USA. December 2015. – Invited

Graduate Students

  • Waddell, Matt and Angela J. Schneider.(2015) “Para-Rowing in Intercollegiate Sport: Ethical Analysis.” poster displayed at the Faculty of Health Sciences Research Day, at The University of Western Ontario, March 25, (2015).
  • Farr, Avery, MA, An Ethical Analysis of Codes of Ethics for Sport Psychologists. August 2016.
  • Supervisor - Schneider
  •  Matt Waddell. Awarded the Post Graduate Research Grant IOC’s Olympic Studies Centre, Lausanne, Switzerland. Supervisor – Angela J. Schneider



  • Archer, J. (2013). What Canada Saw: A Thematic Media Analysis of the Montreal Olympic Games as Reported in the Montreal Gazette and The Globe and Mail. MA thesis.
  • Barney, R.K. (2014). “The United States in the Modern Olympic Movement: A Historiography,” in A Companion to American Sport History, First Edition, S. Riess, ed. (New York: WILEY Blackwell Publishers), 379-402.
  • Carey, M., Misener, L., & Mason, D.S. (2014). The Local and Regional Governments’ Perspective. In M. Parent and J.L. Chapelet, The Routledge Handbook of Sports Event Management. London: Routledge.
  • Forsyth, J. (2014). “The ‘anti-gay’ law and Sochi 2014: Are the Games an effective vehicle for social change? Historical patterns, current possibilities.” Invited presentation made at the AGM, Amnesty Western, Western University, ON.
  • Forsyth, J. (2013). “Possible intersections for research collaboration in the socio-cultural area.” Presentation for ICOS made at the 3rd International Symposium for Collaboration in Research, Teaching and Exchange, London, ON.
  • Forsyth, J. (2013). A Pacesetter: The International Centre for Olympic Studies at Western University. In R. Baka & R. Hess, (Eds.), On the Periphery: New Perspectives on the Olympic Movement (pp. 11-16). Sydney, AUS: Walla Walla Press.
  • Forsyth, J. & Wamsley, K. (Eds.) (2013). Olympika: The International Journal of Olympic Studies, London, ON: International Centre for Olympic Studies.
  • Forsyth, J. & Archer, J. (2014). Fred Simpson is no Tom Longboat: Public memory and the construction of historical knowledge. Sport History Review, 45(1): 37-58.
  • Maika, M., & Danylchuk, K. (2014). Reframing media coverage of Paralympic sport in Canada. In Pedersen, P. M., Parks, J. B., Quarterman, J., & Thibault, L. (Eds.), Contemporary sport management (5th ed.) (pp. 434-435). Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics.
  • Misener, L., Sant, S., & Mason, D. (2013). Engaging Communities through Sport: Sustainability as a means of Enacting Corporate Social Responsibility (Vancouver 2010). In K. Babiak and J.L. Paramio Salcines, Handbook of Sport and Corporate Social Responsibility (pp.544-575). London: Routledge.
  • Misener, L., Darcy, S., Legg, D. & Gilbert, K. (2013). Beyond Olympic Legacy: Understanding Paralympic Legacy through a Thematic Analysis. Journal of Sport Management, 27, 329-341.
  • Misener, L. (2013). A Media Frames Analysis of the Legacy Discourse for the 2010 Winter Paralympic Games. Communication & Sport, 3, 1-23.
  • Petrella, J. (2014). Black, White, and Red All Over: A Thematic Analysis of Selected Canadian and American Newspapers Coverage of the 1968 Mexico City Massacre. MA thesis.
  •  Schneider, A. J. (2013). “The Lance Lecture: The Vilification of Lance Armstrong.” Scandinavian Sport Sport Science, (web journal) (ed.) Eriksson, Kjell E. Malmö University, Sweden.
  • Schneider, A. J. "Global Ethical Issues in University Sport: Athlete, Coach and University Responsibilities." The 12 th FISU (International University Sports Federation.   Gwangju, Republic of Korea, (2014) pp. 188-190. Invited Keynote Address
  •  Angela J. Schneider The Spirit of Sport: The Canadian Role, The International Centre for Olympic Studies Research Symposium, Western University, London, October, 2014.
  •  Angela J. Schneider Human Rights and Gene Doping, Department of Sport Science, Malmo University, Sweden. February 2013. – Invited
  •  Angela J. Schneider Athlete's Rights to Privacy and Doping Control Protocols: European Perspectives. Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. February 2013. – Invited
  •  Wamsley, Kevin B. Vancouver : the 6th North American Winter Games : what does history tell us about hosting the Olympic Games? Open Access Podcast, cIRcle, UBC’s Digital Repository, 2013-2104,

Graduate Students

  • Sarah Teetzel, Ph.D. awarded the international Pierre de Coubertin Prize 2013 doctoral dissertations category, Speyer, Germany. Supervisor – Angela J. Schneider
  • Williams, Mark, PhD, 2010-2014. A philosophical analysis of ethics education in the Canadian national coaching certification program for rowing. August 2014. Supervisor - Schneider


  • Barney, R.K. (2012). Tsar Nicholas II’s Comrade in Arms: IOC Member John Hanbury- Williams. Journal of Olympic History, 20(3), 56-62.
  • Barney, R.K. & Wenn, S.R. (2013). “Selling Image and Exposure: The Rise of Olympic Commercialism,” in Olympics—Pat and Present, A. Armendt, C. Wacker, S. Wassong, eds. (Munich/London/New York: Prestel Verlag), 276-685.
  • Barney, R.K. (2013).“The Lake Placid Olympic Winter Games of 1932,” in American Sports: A History of Icons, Idols, and Ideas (Vol. I), M. Nelson, ed. (Santa Barbara, California: ABC/CLIO- Greenwood Publishers), 929-932.
  • Carey, M., Mason, D.S., Misener, L. (2012). Social Responsibility and the Competitive Bid Process for Major Sporting Events (2016 Bid Process). Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 35, 246-263.
  • Forsyth, J. & Wamsley, K. (Eds.) (2012). Olympika: The International Journal of Olympic Studies, London, ON: International Centre for Olympic Studies.
  • Forsyth, J. & Heine, M. (Eds.). (2012). Problems, Possibilities, and Promising Practices: Critical Dialogues on the Olympic and Paralympic Games. London, ON: International Center for Olympic Studies.
  • Forsyth, J. (2013). When does enhancement in sport become cheating? The case of Oscar Pistorius at the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport History Annual Convention, Halifax, NS.
  • Forsyth, J. (2012). The cost of inclusion: The IOC’s Agenda 21, Aboriginal people, and sport development. Paper presented at the International Convention on Science, Education, and Medicine in Science (ICSEMIS), Glasgow, UK. (Unable to attend due to travel interruption by Air Canada. Paper read on my behalf by Dr. Laura Misener.)
  • Forsyth, J. (2012). The making of the Canadian athlete. Invited presentation made at “How Canadians Communicate about Sports,” sponsored by Athabasca University, Carlton University, and the Alberta Global Forum of Mount Royal University, Banff, AB.
  • Heine, M. & R.K. Barney. (2013). Lacrosse at the 1908 Olympics: Its Contribution to Canadian National Identity. Breaking Barriers. Tri-University Conference for the Trans/Disciplinary Study of Sport. Penn State University, State College, PE. March 22-23.
  • Heine, M. (2012). Constructing the Volunteer: Preliminary Examination of Olympic Discourses on Volunteering. Paper read at the Eleventh International Symposium on Olympic Studies. International Centre for Olympic Studies, Western University Canada. October 22-24.
  • Mahoney, R. (2013). Making Headlines: The Politics of Sex Trafficking and Sex Work During the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. MA thesis.
  • Misener, L., Darcy, S., Legg, D., & Gilbert, K. (2012). A research synthesis of Paralympic Legacy. Paper presented at the International Centre for Olympic Studies Symposium, October 18, London, ON.
  • Misener, L. (2012). A Media Frames Analysis of the Legacy Discourse for the 2010 Winter Paralympic Games. Paper presented at the International Centre for Olympic Studies Symposium, October 18, London, ON.
  • Misener, L. (2012). Leveraging Parasport Games for Social Impact. Invited Paper presented at the International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport (ICSEMIS) [Pre- Olympic Congress], July 22, Glasgow, Scotland.
  • Sant, S., Misener, L., & Mason, D. (2012). Creating and Managing a Legacy Organization to foster long-term tourism impacts: The Case of Whistler Sport Legacies Society. Paper presented at the Travel and Tourism Research Association, October 14, Winnipeg, MB.
  • Schneider, A. J. et. al, (2012), “Human genetic variation: New challenges and opportunities for doping control .” Journal of Sports Sciences , pp. 1-13.
  • Schneider, A. J. (2013). “The Lance Lecture: The Vilification of Lance Armstrong.” Scandinavian Sport Sport Science, (web journal) (ed.) Eriksson, Kjell E. Malmö University, Sweden.
  •  Angela J. Schneider (2013) Nominated for Kerstin Hesselgren (& Olof Palme for Males) Visiting Professorship by Malmo University, Swedish Research Council, Sweden
  •  Davis, Paul, Lisa Edwards, Pam R. Sailors, Angela Schneider, Sarah Teetzel & Charlene Weaving. Collective Response to the Sport in Transition: Making Sport in Canada More Responsible for Gender Inclusivity Report. International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE). (2013) 6 pages.

Graduate Students

  • Williams, Mark and Angela J. Schneider. “Reframing Applied Ethics in Coaching.” poster displayed at the Faculty of Health Sciences Research Day, at The University of Western Ontario, March 24, (2013).
  • Paplinskie, Stephanie, MA, An Auto-ethnographical Tapestry of Feminist Reflection on My Journey of a Fitness Model Physique. November 2013. Supervisor - Schneider
  • Poeta, Dana, MA, Olympism, Ethics and The Rio 2016 Olympic Games Preparations:  An Ethical Analysis. August 2012. Supervisor – Schneider
  • Rhoden, Justin, MA, The Philosophy of 'Playing' Games: A Lusory Introspection of the Sincere Player and the Meaning of Play Amidst the Moral Morass of Contemporary Sport. August 2013. – supervisor - Schneider