International Symposia

paris_skyline_880x300.jpg16th International Symposium for Olympic and Paralympic Research

The symposium was held July 20-21, 2024 hosted by the University of Franche-Comté, in Besançon, France.

Registration is now closed.

ICOS is pleased to host the R.K. Barney Student Essay Competition 2024

Background Information

During each Olympic year, the International Centre for Olympic Studies hosts the biennial International Symposium for Olympic and Paralympic Research. The first Symposium was organized in 1992, the most recent - thirteenth- iteration was hosted in Vitoria, Brazil, in August 2016. While the Symposium is usually hosted at Western University, the 2000 Symposium was jointly hosted with the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia; the 2008 Symposium was jointly hosted by ICOS and Capital University of Physical Education, Beijing, PRC, on the campus of Capital University. The 2016 Symposium was held in an Olympic country again, hosted jointly by ICOS and Arete, the Olympic Studies Centre at the Federal University of Espírito Santo in Vitória, Brazil.

Beginning with the 2018 Symposium, the title of the gathering changed to International Symposium for Olympic and Paralympic Research, in acknowledgment of the growing importance and relevance of paralympic sports and paralympics-related research.

Symposium Proceedings

The Symposium Proceedings for the years 1992-2010 contain the peer-reviewed full-length versions of Symposium presentations; the Proceedings for 2012 and on contain either the full-lenght text or the presentation abstract only. Further information on the Proceedings, tables of contents of past Proceedings, availability and ordering information, can be found here.

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