Olympika: The International Journal of Olympic Studies is published annually, usually towards the end of the calendar year. It is the official, peer-reviewed journal of the International Centre for Olympic Studies. It invites scholarly papers, research notes, review articles, and other items relating to the historical, sociological, philosophical, anthropological, and management dimensions of the Olympic and Paralympic Games and the Olympic Movement. Information on back issues and current subscriptions rates is provided below.
Instructions to Authors
Submissions are to contain original research and should make a contribution to our understanding of the Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement.
Direct all editorial correspondence and/or submissions to:
Dr. Angela J. Schneider, Editor Olympika
International Centre for Olympic Studies 3M Centre, Western University
London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7
Tel.: +1 (519) 661-2111 (Ext. 88383)
Email: aschneid@uwo.ca
Submission Guidelines
- Please download and consult the Olympika stylesheet here (pdf).
- Maximum length of manuscripts is ca. 12,000 words exclusive of endnotes. Please contact the Editor before submitting a manuscript that exceeds these stipulations.
- Olympika no longer accepts paper copies. Manuscripts are to be submitted electronically in the following formats: *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf, *.odt.
- Since the review process is anonymous, names of authors and their affiliation should appear only on the title/cover page. Care should be taken to ensure, where reasonable, that the author is not identified in the text of the paper.
- An abstract of about 150-200 words should accompany the final version of the paper. The abstract should be clearly identified as such in the reviewed and edited version of the electronic document submitted for publication. The abstract should clearly outline the argument and significance of the paper. This abstract will appear at the beginning of the published text in the journal.
- Normally, authors should submit manuscripts in English. They should follow the reference, endnote, and bibliographical format utilized in the latest volume of Olympika. Additional information is available in the current (15h) edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. Olympika uses the 'humanities' version of CMS. Acceptance for publication will depend upon appropriate stylistic revisions by the authors. A final electronic version is required before publication. More complete style and format instructions can be found in the Olympika stylesheet.
- Although not guaranteed, it is expected that the review process will take approximately eight to ten weeks from the date of receipt by the Editors.
- Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permission before publication for all materials used.
Book Reviews
Book reviews should be no longer than 800 words. Reviews should contain a thoughtful and critical discussion of the book assessing the author's thesis/purpose, organization, use of sources, and the contribution of the book to the field of Olympic and/or Paralympic Studies. All reviews should follow the Chicago Manual of Style regarding formatting and other stylistic points.
Journal Article Reviews
Graduate Students interested in contributing journal article reviews to Olympika, are requested to contact the Journal Article Reviews editor, Alan Oldham. More detailed information on journal article reviews can be found here.
Please contact Angela Schneider, ICOS Director, for all purchasing and subscription enquiries.
Table of Contents, Vols. 1 (1992) - 32 (2023)
- 32/2023
- 31/2022
- 30/2021
- 29/2020
- 28/2019
- 27/2018
- 26/2017
- 25/2016
- 24/2015
- 23/2014
- 22/2013
- 21/2012
- 20/2011
- 19/2010
- 18/2009
- 17/2008
- 16/2007
- 15/2006
- 14/2005
- 13/2004
- 12/2003
- 11/2002
- 10/2001
- 9/2000
- 8/1999
- 7/1998
- 6/1997
- 5/1996
- 4/1995
- 3/1994
- 2/1993
- 1/1992