Jasna Twynstra, PhD
- Ph.D. (University of Guelph)
- B.Sc. (University of Guelph)
Graduate Program Supervision
- Food and Nutrition, MScFN
Research In Profile
Healthy nutrition during pregnancy can help improve the health of the parent and offspring. My current research focuses on where and how pregnant people receive their nutrition information and how this information affects their dietary choices during pregnancy. I am also interested in the prenatal healthcare providers’ experiences with nutrition regarding their own education and how they advise their pregnant clients on nutrition.
This work has led me to conduct research projects on the current diets of pregnant people in Canada, we well as educational experiences of Canadian midwives with nutrition for pregnancy. Currently, I am investigating the role of Registered Dietitians in pregnancy care as well as barriers and facilitators to accessing their services for pregnancy.
Featured Publications and Projects
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Milembamane M, Moussa N.M, Twynstra J, Seabrook J.A. (2023). Maternal Eating Disorders and Adverse Birth Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research. 1-9.
- Hanifi M, Liu W, Twynstra J, Seabrook JA. (2023). Does dietitian involvement during pregnancy improve birth outcomes? A systematic review. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research. 1-13.
- Griffin K, Twynstra J, Gilliland JA, Seabrook JA. (2023). Correlates of self-harm in university students: A cross-sectional study. Journal of American college health: J of ACH. 71(3):959-66.
- Seabrook JA and Twynstra J. (2022). A population-based sample comparing birth outcomes between different models of prenatal care. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice. 21(1):31-42.
- Mosher LT, Seabrook JA, Twynstra J. (2022). Identifiable dietary patterns of pregnant women: A Canadian sample. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research. 83(3):104-11.
- Amjad S, Adesunkanmi M, Twynstra J, Seabrook JA, Ospina MB. (2022). Social determinants of health and adverse outcomes in adolescent pregnancies. Seminars in reproductive medicine. 40(1-02):116-23.
- Seabrook JA, Twynstra J, Gilliland JA. (2021). Correlates of lifetime and past month vape use in a sample of Canadian university students. Substance abuse: research and treatment. 15:11782218211052059.
- Schaafsma H*, Laasanen H*, Twynstra J, Seabrook JA. (2021). A review of statistical reporting in nutrition research (2010-2019): How is a Canadian journal doing? Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research. 82(2):59-67. * =shared first authorship
Featured Conferences
- Tucci T, Topp N, Seabrook JA, Twynstra J. Nutrition recommendation of midwives, general practitioners, and obstetrician-gynecologists for pregnancy: A systematic review. Canadian National Perinatal Research Meeting, 2022. (online)
- Demarco N, Twynstra J, Ospina MB, Darrington M, Whippey C, Seabrook JA. Teenage pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes in Canada: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 7th Annual Canadian National Perinatal Research Meeting, 2021, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
- Sawaya Y, Seabrook J, Madill J, Twynstra J. Canadian midwives’ perspectives on nutrition for pregnant women. Canadian Nutrition Society 2020 Annual Conference, 2020. (online)
- Wong S, Twynstra J, Gilliland J, Cook J, Seabrook J. Risk factors and birth outcomes associated with teenage pregnancy: A Canadian sample. Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction Issues of Substance 2019: Evidence and Perspectives, Compassion and Action, 2019, Ottawa, Ontario.
- Twynstra J. Corrective and confirming feedback lead to better academic performance. Western Conference for Science Education, 2019, London, Ontario, Canada.
- Thomson M, Madill J, Twynstra J. Midwives’ experience with nutrition education for pregnancy. Canadian Association of Midwives Annual Conference, 2018, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Visit Google Scholar and Pubmed for a comprehensive list of publications.
Featured Student Projects
Perspectives of Canadian Midwives on Nutrition During Pregnancy
- Jordyn Butler (2023). MScFN, School of Food and Nutritional Sciences (Practicum Stream).
What do they say? Antenatal care providers’ nutrition advice: A systematic review
- Natalie Topp and Tia Tucci (2022). MScFN, School of Food and Nutritional Sciences (Practicum Stream).
Perspectives of Canadian Midwives on Nutrition for Pregnancy.
- Sawaya, Yvana (2021). Master of Science, Foods and Nutrition (Thesis Stream).
Prevalence of women following an identifiable diet during pregnancy in Canada
- Lydia Mosher (2020). MScFN, School of Food and Nutritional Sciences (Practicum Stream).
Visit Scholarship@Western for a list of completed student theses and dissertations in the repository.
Graduate Student Opportunities
Please contact Jasna Twynstra directly, at jasna.twynstra@uwo.ca, for more information about potential opportunities.
Additional Information
Academic Appointments and Research Affiliations
- Associate Scientist, Division of Maternal, Fetal and Newborn Health, Children’s Health Research Institute
- Associate Scientist, Lawson Research Health Institute
Media Highlights
- Substance abuse, depression 'significantly higher' in pregnant teens: study (CTV News, London)
- Excellence in Teaching Award (2022) – Brescia University College
- Deans Honor Roll of Teaching (2012-2023) – Brescia University College
- Faculty of Health Sciences Recognition of Achievement for outstanding contribution to teaching in the Faculty of Health Sciences (2012) – The University of Western Ontario
Professional Activities
- Dietitians of Canada
- Canadian Nutrition Society