Graduate Programs
We offer four program options at the graduate level in the area of foods and nutrition.
Master of Science in Foods & Nutrition (MScFN): Thesis-based Program
The Master of Science in Foods & Nutrition thesis-based program offers you the opportunity to strengthen your research skills through advanced course work and thesis development under the guidance of a faculty supervisor.
Master of Science in Foods & Nutrition (MScFN): Practicum-based Program
The Master of Science in Food & Nutrition practicum-based program is a full-time graduate program for five terms. The program is accredited under Accreditation Canada preparing you to write the Canadian Dietetic Registration Exam. If successful you can become a dietitian in Canada.
Master of Engineering in Food Processing (MEng)
Western Engineering, in collaboration with the Faculty of Health Sciences, offers a Master of Engineering (MEng) in Food Processing. This one-year graduate program provides you with the theoretical and practical skills you need to meet the demands of the food industry.
Diploma in Dietetic Education & Practical Training
The Diploma in Dietetic Education & Practical Training is a one-year professional, post-graduate program for those with an honors degree in Nutrition & Dietetics from a university program accredited by Accreditation Canada in Canada (or the U.S. equivalent, an ACEND® – accredited program).