Peggy O'Neil, PhD
- PhD, Education (Western University)
- M.Ed., Education (Western University)
- B.Ed., Senior-Intermediate (Western University)
- H.B.A, Modern Languages (Western University)
Graduate Program Supervision
- Foods and Nutritional Sciences MScFN
Research In Profile
I bring an Arts and Humanities world view to human ecology education, research and practice through Renaissance humanism, ecopedagogy, and humanistic instructional methods such as communities of practice, reflective practice, and experiential learning. My approaches include poetics, portraiture, conceptual analysis, arts-based social architecture, and public humanities. Through the scholarship of education, I aspire to contribute to the collective potentials of humanity and to happiness for all life on Earth.
Featured Publications and Presentations
Select Contributions
Keynote Speaker (March 22, 2022) Building Sustainable Food Systems Symposium
Invited, primary author (2021, February): IFHE Position Statement to United Nations, 59th Commission for Social Development. (Socially just development and digital technologies) Available at:
Invited, primary author (2020, February): IFHE Position Statement to United Nations, 58th Commission for Social Development. (Affordable housing and homelessness). Available at:
O’Neil P. (2019, August) Without a home: Just economics? Basic Curriculum for International Federation for Home Economics.
Graduate Student Opportunities
Through an Arts and Humanities, lens, potential opportunities may be available for students interested in education, philosophy, leadership, and policy/law in human ecology.
Topics may include sustainability, food system transformation, food literacy, autobiography, popular texts (e.g. cookbooks, historical home economics textbooks, folklore), intangible cultural heritage, and eudiamonia (happiness) in human ecology.
Please contact Peggy O'Neil directly at for more information.
Additional Information
Academic Appointments and Research Affiliations
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- Title, Institution/Organization
Media Highlights
- Western Alumni Gazette (Taylor, A., November 14, 2023). Curbing food insecurity: Go local. For those without enough to eat, answers may be closer than we think.
- London Free Press (July 21, 2022) Food literacy in Ontario Schools.
- Toronto Star (May 31, 2022). The time has come for teaching “food literacy” in schools. (Google Alert status under “student nutrition”).
- Western News (March 17, 2022) Growing Food Sustainably from the Ground Up.
- CTV News (January 25, 2022) Grocery Cart Economics Hits Home.
- CJBK i-heart Radio, London, Ask the Expert. (Subject: Home Economics)
- CTV News: How to ensure food security while also cutting down on food waste. (Subject: Food Waste)
- 1069thex Radio: Brescia Professor takes the fight for women’s land rights to the United Nations (Subject: United Nations and Feminized Homelessness)
- FRESH Podcast: Food (In)security and Food Waste.
- OHEA Founder’s Honour Award (2023)
- Brescia Award for Teaching Excellence – Contract Faculty (2022)
- Dean’s Honour Roll of Teaching, Brescia University College (2012-13; 2013-14; 2014-15; 2015-16; 2017-18; 2018-19; 2019-20; 2020-21; 2021-22)
- Nominee (by students) Brescia Award for Excellence in Teaching (2017)
- Best Workshop Award, Ireland International Conference in Education (2012)
Professional Activities
- Ontario College of Teachers (1996- present)
- Professional Home Economist. Ontario Home Economics Association (2017-present)
- Member, International Federation for Home Economics (2018-present)
- Faculty Sponsor, Students’ Human Ecology Association (Invited, June 2018-present)
- Editor & Board Member, International Journal of Home Economics (May 2018-present)
- Canadian Fairtrade Network (2017-present)
- Canadian Organic Growers (2017-present)
- Endorser, Earth Charter Initiative (2010-present)
- Supporter, Stand for Her Land Campaign (2019-present)
- Canadian Association of Food Law and Policy (July 2023-present)
- Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation (November 2023 – present)
- Endorser, Canadian Coalition for Healthy School Food, Ontario Chapter (October 2020-present)
- Presenter, Ontario Minister of Finance 2024 Pre-budget Consultation Hearing, Markham & Brockville, Ontario, Topic: Ontario school food strategy to transform child health and education. (January 19 & 23, 2024).
- Advocate. (June 1, 2023) Meeting with Ministry of Education, Director, Stakeholder Relations. Food Literacy/Ontario Education Aims.
- Invited Member, London Community Foundation Expert Advisory Group, Food Security (June, 2023 - present)
- Member, Canadian Research Team - School Food Program Evaluation Indicators, (January 2023-present)
- Consulting Partner, Grow Ontario Summit, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs (2022, 2023, 2024)
- Guest Speaker: Green Economy London Food Loss, Waste & Insecurity. (Nov. 9, 2022)
- Panelist: Middlesex London Food Policy Council
(toward a long-term community food strategy) Know Your Food: Grow Eat, Understand. (Nov. 5, 2022) - Reviewer: Culhane, C. (August, 2022). Call to action For IFHE Canada to initiate IFHE consideration for a Global Minimum Wage (GMW). For presentation at the IFHE
- Council meeting at the World Congress.
- Member, Sustain Ontario Consultation Team. Ministry of Education for Learning Resource Development and Teacher Education for Elementary Science & Technology Curriculum (Implemented Sept. 2022)
- Western Food Support Services – Student Led Food Insecurity Seminar. (April 1, 2022) Student Food Insecurity: A Humanities Perspective
- Child & Youth Network, London – Healthy Eating, Healthy Physical Activity (March 31, 2022) Healthy Eating, Food and the Arts & Humanities
- Consultation with Ministry of Education: Food Literacy Learning: Revisions to Ontario’s Elementary Science and Technology Curriculum (November 12, 2021)
- Invited Evaluator, Canadian Home Economics Foundation, Dr. Elizabeth Feniak Award, undergraduate & graduate student award (July, 2021; July 2022; July 2023)
- Roundtable Discussion with Minister of Education: Bill 216 Food Literacy for Students Act (June 7, 2021)
- Education Chair, Middlesex-London Food Policy Council (Nov 2018-December 2020)
- Advisory Committee Member: The Brescia Centennial Story-Creating Community Through Art (April 2018 – January 2019)
- Member, Brescia University College – Research Ethics Board (2011 – June 2018)