Janet Madill, RD, PhD
- PhD (University of Toronto)
- MSc (University of Toronto)
Graduate Program Supervision
Research In Profile
Professor Janet Madill’s research interests have focused on examining Nutrigenomics, as well as conducting body composition measurements, including muscle mass using ultrasound, and identifying sarcopenia in a variety of patient populations including the elderly, patients with chronic disease conditions and transplant patients. She is also investigating overweight and obesity in transplant patients and recipients. Further, Madill is exploring vitamin D status and intake in young healthy females; interstitial lung disease patients, pulmonary hypertension patients; liver, lung, kidney and kidney-pancreas pre and post transplant.
Featured Publications and Projects
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Max Levine, Patrick Luke, Alp Sener, Heather Resvick, Stephanie Braga,Taralynn St. Kitts,, Sarah DeMarinis and Janet Madill. The Impact of Quadriceps Muscle Layer Thickness on Length of Stay in patients listed for Renal Transplant. Transplantology 2023, 4, 230–241. https://doi.org/10.3390/transplantology4040022.
- Bill L, Flier S, Janet Madill, PhD RD, Joyes C, Dawson E, Wellington C, Adekunte S, John-Baptiste A, PhD. Malnutrition Risk and its Impact on Adverse Health Outcomes, Health Services Utilization, and Length of Stay: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Nutrition in Clinical Practice 2023;38: 1045-1062 DOI: 10.1002/ncp.11043
- Rinaldi S, Al-Mubarak, C Balsille, C Truchon, M Mura and Janet Madill RD. Nutritional Implications of Restrictive Lung Disease. Invited review for Nutrition in Clinical Practice. NCP 2022,37(2): 239
- Anderson S, Brown C, Venneri K, Horne JR, Matthews J and Janet Madill RD. “You Can’t Manage What You Can’t Measure”: Perspectives of Transplant Recipients on Two Lifestyle Interventions for Weight Management. Transplantology 2021, 2, 210–223. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/transplantology2020020
- Rinaldi S, Gilliland J, Mura M and Janet Madill RD. Predictors of Exercise Capacity and Factors Associated with Nutrition Status in Patients with Interstitial Lung Disease Nutr. Clin. Pract.2021;1-8.https://doi-org.proxy1.lib.uwo.ca/10.1002/ncp.10651.
- Horne J, Nielsen D, Janet Madill RD, Robitaille J, Vohl, M-C and Mutch D. Guiding global best practice in personalized nutrition based on genetics: The development of a nutrigenomics care map. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2021 Mar 17;S2212-2672(21)00099-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2021.02.008.
- Levine, M, Luke P and Janet Madill RD. Quadriceps Muscle Layer Thickness in Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Potential Measure of Frailty and Scarcopenia. 2020. Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 7004. https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/etd/7004
- Hopkins B, and Janet Madill RD. Understanding the Need for Tools and Resources to Manage Enteral Nutrition Intolerance: An On-Line Survey. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research Vol 82(1):1, 20April 2021.
- Horne J, Gilliland J, Volh M-C and Janet Madill RD. Exploring attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control in a genetic based and a population-based weight management intervention: A one-year randomized controlled trial. Nutrients 2020, 12(12), 3768; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu12123768
- Rinaldi S, Gilliland J, Mura M and Janet Madill RD. Fat-free mass index controlled for age and sex, and malnutrition are predictors of survival in interstitial lung disease. Respiration 2021; V100, 379-386. DOI:10.1159/000512732
Visit Google Scholar for a comprehensive list of publications.
Current Grants and Research Projects
- Madill, J [Co-Investigator] Measures Of Recipient Obesity predict Kidney transplant Outcomes (MOROKO) London [2024]. AMOSO. $208,000.00.
Featured Graduate Student Projects
Current Students
Are the current nutrition and growth guidelines for term and preterm infants appropriate for small for gestational age infants?
- Heather Resvick, MScFN PhD candidate RD [to be completed 2025].
Is there a difference in Quality of Life in Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant [AHSCT] Patients on EN vs PN? [to be completed 2025].
- Sophia Martella MScFN candidate. [to be completed 2025].
Obesity and Vitamin D intake in Kidney and Kidney Transplant patients.
- Amber Foster MScFN candidate [to be completed 2025].
Exploration of dietary and supplemental vitamin D intakes among nutrition students with the 2015-Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS).
- Alison Andrade MSc FN candidate [to be completed 2024]
Body Composition in non-obese and obese Kidney transplant patients.
- Reem Kazamel, MSc [candidate] RD. [to be completed 2024].
Previous PhD and MSc thesis students
Using personalized nutrigenomics testing to mitigate overweight/obesity risk post-transplant: A randomized clinical intervention trial.
- Justine Horne MScFN PhD, RD [completed 2020].
Sarcopenia in Interstitial Lung Disease and Pulmonary Hypertension Patients.
- Sylvia Rinaldi MScFN PhD, RD [completed 2019]
Quadriceps Muscle Layer Thickness and Hospital Length of Stay in Kidney and Kidney-Pancreas Transplant: A prospective cohort study.
- Dr. Max Levine. MSc thesis [completed 2020].
Visit Scholarship@Western for a list of completed student theses and dissertations in the repository.
Graduate Student Opportunities
Current potential student projects:
- Body Composition in overweight and obese Kidney and Kidney Transplant patients. [Madill’s lab with support from LHSC]
- Body Composition in Kidney and Kidney-Pancreas Transplant patients. [Madill’s lab with support from LHSC, baseline data has been collected, will need 3 months and 1 year follow up measurements]
- Dietitians Views on Continuing Education Initiatives that Impact their Practice – A Canadian Dietitians Survey. [Madill’s lab and Nestle]
- The relationship between patient satisfaction with virtual nutrition care and their nutrition information acquisition behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative analysis. [Madill’s lab].
- Kidney and Kidney Transplant patients, Quadricep Muscle layer thickness [QMLT] and Skeletal Muscle Index [SMI]. [Madill’s lab with support from LHSC].
- Kidney and Kidney Transplant patients, Quadricep Muscle layer thickness [QMLT]-Systematic Review and Meta analysis [Madill’s lab].
- Measuring QMLT in young healthy students [Madill’s lab].
- Final analysis on Vitamin D status and intake in patients with chronic lung disease. [Madill’s lab with support from LHSC].
Please contact Janet Madill, RD, at jmadill7@uwo.ca for more information.
Additional Information
Academic Appointments and Research Affiliations
- Adjunct Scientist, Lawson Health Research Institute
- Chair, Transplantation, Brescia University College
- Co-Chair, Canadian Association of Transplantation-Nursing and Allied Health Professionals.
- 2022. Award for Excellence in Research Brescia University College
- 2017. Successful recipient of Fellow, Dietitians of Canada Award
- 2016. Nominee for the International Life Sciences Institution [ILSI] North American Leader Award, Canadian Nutrition Society
Professional Activities
- Member of various national and international academic and professional societies [e.g. Dietitians of Canada; College of Dietitians; Canadian Society of Transplantation; Ontario Respiratory Care Society; Canadian Nutrition Society].
- Manuscript reviewer for several high-impact peer-reviewed academic journals [e.g., Clinical Nutrition ESPEN; Journal of Renal Nutrition; Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, etc.]
- Reviewer for several granting agencies [e.g. Kidney Foundation of Canada; Canadian Foundation for Dietetic Research; Canadian Society of Transplantation etc].