News & Events
Debra Nousek gave a talk entitled "History Starts with a C: The Caesarian Corpus and Latin Literary Historiography" at McMaster University on January 30, 2025.
Undergraduate student Stephanie Leith, supervised by Kyle Gervais, has been working on a research project examining medieval manuscript fragments found in the Archives and Special Collections in Western Libraries. Read the Western News article here, listen to the CBC Radio interview here, and read the CBC interview here.
Thanks to our grad students and faculty for a festive October 31st!
Some historical costumes: from left to right, MA students Gwyneth Sutherland, James Kenneth, and Nigel Burns
Congratulations to first-year MA student (and department alumnus) James Kenneth on his second Global Undergraduate Award in two years! Read the Western News article here.
Bernd Steinbock presented a paper on “Social Memory and Trauma in Ancient Greece” and was a panelist for the round table discussion “Where Can Memory Be Found?” at the international memory studies conference ‘Searching for Memory between the Mind and the World’ at the University of Trento, Italy (August 28-30).
Many congratulations go out to new graduate Emily Benko (Major and incoming MA student) who won the Gold Medals for Honours Double Major in both Classical Studies and Mathematics, achieving the highest academic average in each of these Majors. Well done, Emily!
Stephanie Dennie has earned her PhD in Classical Studies. Congratulations, Dr. Dennie!
We are incredibly proud of new graduate Gwyneth Sutherland (HSP and incoming MA student) who won not only the Gold Medal for Honours Specialization in Classical Studies, but also The Bentley Scholarship and Gold Medal in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, which is awarded to the student with the highest overall academic average in the faculty. Congratulations, Gwyneth!
Il-Kweon Sir has joined the Department of Classical Studies at Western University!
Dr. Sir was awarded his DPhil in Classical Languages and Literature from the University of Oxford in 2020, and was a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow and Teaching Associate at the University of Cambridge and Bye-Fellow at Christ’s College, Cambridge. His primary research interests are Greek and Latin lyric, metre, and archaic and classical Greece, particularly from the perspective of literary theory, psychology, papyrology, and cognitive approaches.
Dr. Sir's forthcoming monograph, Poetry and Performance in Alcaeus of Lesbos (Oxford University Press), is the first book-length study of Alcaeus’ entire poetic corpus in over forty years and offers a full-scale reinterpretation of Alcaeus’ poetics and contexts. His current project, funded by the Leverhulme Trust, is A Literary History of Greek and Latin Lyric Metres, which reconceptualizes the literary affordance of metre by challenging the longstanding consensus that metres did not have literary associations in early Greek poetry and reimagines the relationship between metre, meaning, and genre. He has articles in ZPE, Classical Quarterly, and Hermes, and also has a third book project and some smaller pieces underway.
Dr. Sir convened Metri Causa conferences at the University of Cambridge in 2023 (Affordances of Greek Metre) and 2024 (What is Metre?) and has given many talks across the UK and North America, both academic and outreach.
Welcome to Western, Dr. Sir!
Another successful Study Tour to Italy has wrapped up. Until next time!
Emily Benko (Major) has won 2nd place in the Classical Association of Canada's Senior Latin sight translation competition. Congratulations, Emily, on this prestigious achievement!
The CS3050G: Study Tour to Italy participants have arrived! Follow their adventures on Instagram @westerninrome.
Stephanie Dennie successfully defended her PhD thesis, "Creating Legitimacy: The Dyarchy in Spartan Social Memory". Hearty congratulations, Dr. Dennie, on this superb accomplishment!
Photo: Dr. Stephanie Dennie and her supervisor, Dr. Bernd Steinbock, celebrating with a drink from the Goblet of Knowledge
The Department of Classical Studies is proud to announce that Kyle Gervais has been named a Faculty Scholar for 2024. Read the announcement here.
The Classics Society held their second annual Undergraduate Conference on April 10, where five students presented their work. Congratulations to all involved on an inspiring event!

Bernd Steinbock presented a paper entitled “Ending Imperialist Wars: Isocrates’ Radical Critique of the Athenian Funeral Ceremony” in the COR/ISHR Rhetorical Get Together Series on Rhetorical Representations of War and Atrocities at Royal Holloway University of London, England, in June 2023 and participated at the International Workshop on Forgetting and Power in Greek and Latin Literature at the Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt in Germany in July with a paper on “Communal Remembrance and Forgetting: The Sicilian Disaster in the Athenian Funeral Oration.”
Congratulations to our 2023 Gold Medal winners are: for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Four-Year Bachelor of Arts (Major) Degree, Kiaan Bondy; for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Three-Year Bachelor of Arts (Major) Degree, Norman Muirhead; for the Honours Specialization in Classical Studies, Cashel Findler; and for the Honours Major in Classical Studies, Natasha George.
(from left to right: Norman Muirhead, Kiaan Bondy, Natasha George, and Cashel Findler)
The 2023 Vindolanda Field School has started! A group of Western students, along with faculty members Elizabeth Greene and Alexander Meyer, will spend the next five weeks excavating at the archaeological site of Vindolanda, a military fort and settlement on the Roman frontier in Britain. Follow along on Instagram @instalanda_fs and read the student blog.
Kelly Olson discusses ancient sexual objects with The Atlantic.
Natasha George (Major) has been awarded a Harry C. Maynard scholarship from the Ontario Classical Association. Congratulations, Natasha!
Peter Miller, who received his PhD from the Department of Classical Studies in 2014, has published a new book with Bloomsbury Academic. Sport: Antiquity and Its Legacy examines how sports personalities, agencies, institutions and movements have consciously connected themselves to the Graeco-Roman past, even as they continue to insist on their own centrality in the modern world.
Kelly Olson speaks with CBC's As It Happens about the possibility of a wooden object from Vindolanda being a sex toy. Article.
Kyle Gervais discusses his new book, John of Garland, Integumenta Ovidii: Text, Translation, and Commentary, with Medieval Institute Publications. Watch the video here.
Gwyneth Sutherland (Honours Specialization, Classical Studies; Minor, Latin) was awarded third place in the Classical Association of Canada's 2022 Undergraduate Essay Contest (Senior Level) for her paper "Murex Dye Production on Minoan Colony Islands." In her research paper, Gwyneth effectively uses literary, archaeological, linguistic, and art historical sources to support an original thesis exploring an important industry in the Bronze Age Aegean. Congratulations, Gwyneth!
Maria Glanfield (Classics BA 2020; MA 2023) won the First Runner up for Best Poster at the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, held this year in New Orleans, USA, from January 5-8, 2023. Her poster was titled "Applying 3D Structured Light Scanning to Roman Leather Insoles from Vindolanda," a topic which stems from her current thesis research on the application of 3D imaging in Roman archaeology and specifically on leather shoes. Read more on the AIA website.
Congratulations, Maria!
Elizabeth Greene was featured on Podcast or Perish. You can listen to the podcast here.
Charles Stocking is giving a talk at the Stark Center for Physical Culture and Sport at UT Austin, on 'How to Kill an Athlete: Training and the Problem of Health in Ancient and Modern Sport". See the poster here
Bernd Steinbock attended the Midwestern Greek Legal History and Theory Conference at Harvard University and presented a paper on "The Sicilian Expedition as Social Trauma for the Athenians."
Kelly Olson speaks to Erlend Hedegart (host of podcast 'Well, That Aged Well') on "Would you survive in ancient Rome?". on YouTube
Stephanie Dennie - Blog post part 1 (authored by Kim Solga) and part 2 (authored by Stephanie) on the Activist Classroom blog about interdisciplinary co-teaching and her research as part of the Teaching Fellowship from the Center for Teaching and Learning.
Bernd Steinbock – As a Research Fellow and Visiting Professor at the University of Trento, Italy (March 7-27), Dr. Steinbock will teach a doctoral seminar on “Social Memory and Trauma in Ancient Greece” and work on his current research project “Coping with Defeat: The Trauma of the Sicilian Expedition in Athenian Social Memory.” During his research stay he will also deliver two public lectures on the Sicilian expedition as a collective trauma and Thucydides’ historiography as a way of working through trauma, respectively. Interview
Alexander Meyer – Guest blog post entitled “Illuminating the Vindolanda Tablets” on LatinNow