Student Profiles

MA Students

Adam Abuhajir

Degree: BA Classics (Greek focus), BA Classical Humanities, BA Philosophy, BA Latin, UW-Madison
Areas of Interest: Greek and Latin literature, in particular, ancient philosophy (especially themes of grief, old age, friendship, pleasure, love and death), late antique literature (especially apologetics and letters), ancient sexual practices, and Arabic transmission and reception of ancient philosophy and science.
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Emily Benko

Degree: Honours BA in Classical Studies, Western University
Areas of Interest: Greek and Roman Poetry, classical reception, Roman republican history
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Hannah Borotsik

Degree: Honours BA in Classics, Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador
Areas of Interest: Greek and Roman archaeology and material culture, Greek festivals, traditions, and history through the context of social memory.
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Nigel Burns

Degree: Honours BA in Classical Studies, Dalhousie University
Areas of Interest: Greek Epic poetry, particularly the Iliad; Greek tragedy; Greek and Roman history, social history, art history, and literature; and ancient magical traditions.
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Tyler CraikTyler-Craik-160x180.jpg

Degree: Honours BA in Classical Studies, Western University
Areas of Interest: Greek and Roman material culture, Aegean prehistory, ancient trade and economies, and mortuary archaeology. Particularly social differentiation and attempts at status seeking through funerary practices in the Roman world.
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Sydney Durham

Degree: Honours BA in Classical Studies, Western University
Areas of Interest: Roman art and archaeology (mainly in the provinces), mortuary archaeology, and fashion and expression in antiquity. I am additionally passionate about domestic archaeology, architecture, sexuality and gender, and 3D imaging
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Cashel FindlerCashel-Findler-downsized.jpg

Degree: Honours BA in Classical Studies, Western University
Areas of Interest: Greek and Roman history and literature, more specifically Attic funeral oratory, the political use of the Athenian autochthony myth, and the history of the Late Roman Republic and Augustan period
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Kariane Guénette

Degree: Honours BA in Classical Studies, Western University
Areas of Interest: Roman provincial archaeology, crafts production, glassmaking, food production, Pompeii, Roman economy and trade, and domestic archaeology.
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James Kenneth

Degree: BA (with distinction) in Classical and Medieval Studies, Western University
Areas of Interest: Late Antiquity, with a focus on the transitional period from 250-750 CE, which saw the decline and eventual collapse of the Roman Empire and the birth of the early medieval kingdoms in western Europe. Of particular interest is the experience of ordinary soldiers – both legionaries and auxiliaries – along Hadrian’s Wall and other Roman frontiers during this peirod.
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Samuel MacDonald

Degree: Honours BA in Classics, University of King's College
Areas of Interest: pre-Christian Roman religion, particularly the Bacchanalia; class stratification in Ancient Greece and Rome; Satire; Comedy
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Gwyneth Sutherland

Degree: Honours BA in Classical Studies, Western University
Areas of Interest: Greek and Latin literature (especially epic and lyric poetry) and historiography; effects of syntax, diction, and translator’s ideology on translations of Classical texts; Classical reception in English-language poetry; Greek and Latin prosody.
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PhD Students

Tarryn Andrews

Degree: Honours BA Classical Studies, Queen's University; MA in Classical Studies and Archaeology, Queen's University; MA in Religious Studies, Queen's University
Areas of Interest: Architecture of sacred space in the Classical and Hellenistic periods, Greek archaeology, ancient Mediterranean religions. 
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imageRowan Ash

Degree: BA in Classics, Honours English (Literature), McGill University; MA in Ancient Mediterranean Cultures, University of Waterloo.
Areas of Interest: Ancient magic (especially the Greek magical papyri), Greek and Roman religion and myth, Greek literature, gender and sexuality in the ancient world
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maryMary Deminion

Degrees: Honors BA in Greek and Roman Studies, Univ. of Victoria, 2007, MA in Greek and Roman Studies, University of Victoria, 2010
Area Interests: Ancient law, Roman History, women in antiquity, morality, and spectacle.
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Cheyenne Eversole

Degree: BA in Global and International Studies with minors in German and Classics at IUPUI;  MA in Classical Archaeology at the University of Missouri
Areas of Interest: Imitation of wealth among non-elites through the lens of bronze in the Republic and Imperial period. Additionally, 3D Modeling, VR (Virtual Reality), Metallurgy, craftsmen, household archaeology, and the Roman economy. 
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Andrew Field

Degree: BA in Classics (University of Guelph); MA in Classics (Queen's University)
Areas of Interest: Latin and Greek literature, especially epic poetry; reception studies; Roman historiography; mythology; literary theory; digital humanities. My dissertation is on the reception of Catullus by Roman epic poets. 
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Maria Glanfield

Degree: Honours BA in Classical Studies, Western University; MA Classics, Western University
Areas of Interest: Roman provincial archaeology, funerary art & archaeology, digital imaging techniques in archaeology  
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Tyler Jordan

Degree: BA Classics, minor Philosophy (Carleton); MA Classics (Western); MA Comparative Literature (Western)
Areas of Interest: I’m interested in most areas of the Humanities, but my primary interest is in literary studies, specifically in ancient Greek poetry. A major secondary area of interest is in Russian literature and culture. A few of my favourite authors to read and study are Homer, Aeschylus, Søren Kierkegaard, Henrik Ibsen, Virginia Woolf, and Vladimir Nabokov.
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Richard Parker

Degree: BA English Literature, Brock University; MA Classical Studies, University of Western Ontario 
Areas of Interest: Greek poetry of all types and periods (especially Greek hymns), Greek cult & religion, Greek epigraphy, Greek textual criticism 
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Marina Schmidt

Degree: BA (Honours) in Classics with a double-major in History, and Certificate in Ancient Languages, Memorial University; MA in Classics, Memorial University
Areas of Interest: Roman medicine and social history, gender, and ancient law
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Jacob Vanderkloet

Degree: BA (Joint Honours) in Classics and History, with Diploma in Ancient Worlds and Certificate in Ancient Languages, Memorial University of Newfoundland; MA in Greek and Roman Studies, University of Calgary.
Areas of Interest: Ancient Greek and Roman History, Historiography, Religion, and Comparative Mythology.
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