Degree/Program Changes

Degree/Module changes are completed through the Academic Advising Help Portal .

Request changes to your degree/module(s) in the following situations:

  • you forgot to complete your Intent to Register.
  • you need to change the degree/module(s) you selected during Intent to Register [please wait until you see your adjudication results].
  • your eligibility has changed due to summer results and you need to be in a specific module to have access to required courses.
  • you were not here during the past academic year and are returning to Western for the next academic year.

Please note, it can take up to 2-3 weeks to process your change of status request which may affect when you can register for courses.

There may be reasons you need to change your program before registering for courses. You will only be allowed to change programs in the summer if you need to be in that specific program to access courses. Program change requests during the summer have strict deadlines:

  • Year 4: submit on or before June 26, 2024.
  • Year 3: submit on or before July 3, 2024.
  • Year 2: submit on or before July 10, 2024.

Please submit your course change form as soon as possible.