About Us
Contact Information
Jenny Richmond-Bravo
Doctoral Professional Development Coordinator (Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies)
p. 519-661-2111 x87848
Current doctoral students will receive a monthly email with Own Your Future news and events.
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Sharing Our Work
Welcome! The Own Your Future team is happy to share our work with the academic community beyond Western. We want to contribute to the growing body of resources that help doctoral students recognize, develop, and articulate the professional skills they develop alongside their studies.
If you are interested in implementing Own Your Future at your institution:
- Own Your Future is distributed under the terms of a Material Transfer Agreement, which permits users to use the OWN YOUR FUTURE watermark along with the curriculum and Skills Self-Assessment.
- Users can adapt and build upon our work non-commercially, as long as new works are shared back with Western to include in our resource repository. New works are shared under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike license
If you are an educator, staff member, or student interested in using the Skills Self-Assessment in a class, or incorporating the competencies and learning outcomes in your curriculum:
- Own Your Future materials are available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike license, which permits users to adapt and build upon our work non-commercially, as long as Western University is credited, and any new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
- In the spirit of sharing, we kindly request that individuals share back their work to include in our repository so that others may see how you are using our work.
- This option does not permit the use of the OWN YOUR FUTURE logo.
Please reach out to discuss your options and material requests:
Lorraine Davies
Associate Vice-Provost
School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
p. 519-661-2111 ext. 81335