Contact the NCA
Elborn College - Room 2262
1201 Western Road
London, Ontario N6G 1H1
NCA Laboratories
The National Centre for Audiology (NCA) is an interdisciplinary research centre located at Western University. Housed within the Faculty of Health Sciences, the NCA also has investigators in the faculties, departments, and programs of Engineering, Anatomy & Cell Biology, Psychology, Otolaryngology and Neuroscience. The NCA was formed in 2001 with infrastructure support from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), and became a senate-approved research centre in 2004.
The NCA has created a world-class research facility that spans basic science in hearing and its disorders including animal modelling, imaging, genetics, physiology, basic research on the psychophysics and objective brain responses of hearing, biomedical engineering in hearing technologies, and translational research to clinical practice. We are one of less than ten centres worldwide that span this range of topics, with the facilities and scholarship culture to take on leadership positions in our field.
Please explore the research areas led by investigators in our wide range of laboratories.