- Leader development
- Leadership shelf life
- Women and leadership
- Disruption and the future preparation of sport management students
- Internationalization of sport management
*Beard, S., & Weese, W. J. (2020). A 50-year retrospective of leadership development through varsity sport from the former athletes’ perspective. Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletics in Education, 1-25. doi.org/10.1080/19357397.2020.1774238.
Weese, W. J. (2020). Internationalization of sport management education. Once a luxury, now a necessity. Sport Management Education Journal, 1-6. doi.org/10/1123/smej.2019.044.
*Van Dyk C., & Weese, W. J. (2019). Campus recreation programs must play a role in heightening Indigenous student engagement and retention? Recreational Sports Journal. 43, 2, 123-136.
Weese, W. Z., & & Weese, W. J. (2019). Heightening leader development for student staff in college and university recreational sports departments. Athens Journal of Sports. 4, 139-152. DOI: https://www.athensjournals.gr/sports/2019-3041-AJSPO-Weese-01.pdf.
Weese, W.J. (2018). The 5C leader: Exceptional leadership practices for extraordinary times. New York: Archway Publishing, a Division of Simon and Schuster, New York. NY.
Weese W. J., & and Chelladurai, P. (2017). Leadership skills in sport. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology. Online publication October 2017. DOI: 10.93/acrefore/9780190236577.013.187.
*Gray, E., & Weese, W. J. (2021, June). Expectations, Opportunities, and Obstructions to Advancement for Women in Sport Leadership: Perceptions of Undergraduate Students. Virtual presentation at the 2021 North American Society for Sport Management Conference.
*Gray, E., & Weese, W. J. (2020, June). Barriers to senior leadership positions for women in sport management: Perceptions of undergraduate students and their professors. Virtual presentation at the 2020 North American Society for Sport Management Conference. San Diego, CA.
Burton, L., Damon, Z., Ferkins, L., Leberman, S. I., Weese, W. J., Wells, J., & Welty-Peachey, J. (2019, June) The Changing Face of Leadership within Sport: What does the future hold? Presentation to the 2019 North American Society for Sport Management Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Dixon, M., Pastore, D., McGarry, J., Walker, N., Weese, J., & Mahoney, D. (2018, June). Transitioning from Mentee to Mentor for Sport Management Faculty: Understanding Barriers and Needs. Presentation to the 2018 North American Society for Sport Management Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Weese, W. J. (2016, November). Leadership Development: Implications and Opportunities for Teaching Leadership in Sport Management Programs. Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand, Auckland, New Zealand.