Deck, S., Doherty, A., Hall, C., Schneider, A., Patil, S., & Belfry, G. (2021). Perceived Time, frequency and intensity of engagement and masters athletes subjective experiences. Frontiers: Sports and Active Living.
Schlesinger, T., & Doherty, A. (2021). The utility of certification for managing the state-voluntary sport club relationship: An agency theory perspective. Managing Sport and Leisure, 26(1-2), 116-132.
Millar, P.,* & Doherty, A. (2021). Readiness to build capacity in community sport organizations. Managing Sport and Leisure, 26(1-2), 22-40.
Doherty, A., Millar, P., & Misener, K. (2020). Return to community sport: Leaning on evidence in turbulent times. Managing Sport and Leisure.
Millar, P., Clutterbuck, R.*, & Doherty, A. (2020). Understanding the adoption of long-term athlete development in one community sport club. Managing Sport and Leisure, 25, 259-274.
Doherty, A., & Cuskelly, G. (2020). Organizational capacity and performance of community sport clubs. Journal of Sport Management. 34(3), 240-259.
Millar, P.,* & Doherty, A. (2020). Readiness to build capacity in community sport clubs. Managing Sport and Leisure.
Millar, P., Clutterbuck, R.*, & Doherty, A. (2020). Understanding the adoption of long-term athlete development in one community sport club. Managing Sport & Leisure, 25, 259-274.
Hanlon, C., Millar, P., Doherty, A., & Craike, M. (in press, 2019). Building capacity of community sport clubs to increase female participation. Leisure Sciences. 10.1080/01490400.2019.1686445
Doherty, A., & Cuskelly, G. (in press, 2019). Organizational capacity and performance of community sport clubs. Journal of Sport Management.
Harman, A.*, & Doherty, A. (2019). Psychological contract in the volunteer youth sport coach environment: The community sport club perspective. Managing Sport & Leisure, 24(5), 321-338.
Clutterbuck, R.*, & Doherty, A. (2019). Organizational capacity for domestic sport for development. Journal of Sport for Development, 7(12), 16-32.
Doherty, A., & Patil, S. (2019). Reflections on major sport event volunteer legacy research. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 11(S1), s34-s42.
Millar, P.*, & Doherty, A. (2018). “You can’t just start and expect it to work”: An investigation of strategic capacity building in community sport organizations. Journal of Sport Management, 32(4), 348-361.
Harman, A.*, & Doherty, A. (2017). Psychological contract fulfillment for volunteer youth sport coaches. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 17(1/2), 94-120.
Millar, P.*, & Doherty, A. (2016). Capacity building in nonprofit sport organizations: Development of a process model. Sport Management Review, 19, 365-377.
Cunningham, G., Fink, J., & Doherty, A. (Eds.) (2016). Routledge handbook of theory in sport management. Oxford: Routledge.
Taylor, T., Doherty, A., & McGraw, P. (2015). Managing people in sport organisations: A strategic human resource management perspective (2nd ed.). Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
Doherty, A., & Rich, K. (2015). Sport for community development. In M.T. Bowers & M.A. Dixon (Eds.). Sport management: An exploration of the field and its value (pp. 124-145). Urbana, IL: Sagamore.
Hoeber, L., Doherty, A., Hoeber, O., & Wolfe, R. (2015). The nature of innovation in community sport organizations. European Sport Management Quarterly, 15(5), 518-534.
Van Bussel, M.*, & Doherty, A. (2015). An examination of the conflict process in nonprofit community sport boards. European Sport Management Quarterly, 15(2), 176-194.
Doherty, A., Misener, K., & Cuskelly, G. (2014). Toward a multidimensional framework of organizational capacity in community sport. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 43(2S), 124S-142S.
Misener, K.*, & Doherty, A. (2013). Understanding capacity through the outcomes and processes of interorganizational relationships in nonprofit community sport organizations. Sport Management Review, 16(2), 135-147.
Patil, S.,* & Doherty, A. (2019, June). Capacity for gender equity in the national sport organization environment. Presented at the 34th NASSM Conference, New Orleans.
Doherty, A., Riggin, B., & Greenhow, A. (2019, June). Framing interdisciplinary research questions: An example from the field of play. Presented at the 34th NASSM Conference, New Orleans.
Doherty, A., & Misener, K. (2019, March). Our strength is our people: Examining volunteer social capital for community sport. Presented at the Annual Parks and Recreation Ontario Educational Forum, Collingwood. (“Featured Session”)
Doherty, A., Gowthorp, L., O’Brien, D., & Misener, L. (2018, November). The architecture of major sport event leveraging: A case study of the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games. Presented at the annual conference of the Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand (SMAANZ), Adelaide.
Patil, S.,* & Doherty, A. (2018, November). Organizational capacity for gender equity: A multiple case study examination of national sport organizations. Presented at the annual conference of SMAANZ, Adelaide.
Doherty, A., Misener, K., & Patil, S. (2018, June). Networks of volunteer social capital: A comparative case study of sport and non-sport member-based community organizations. Presented at the 33rd NASSM Conference, Halifax.
Doherty, A., Greenhow, A., Diturbide, L., Gordon, K., Riggin, B., & Wamsley, K. (2018, June). What’s the problem? Building an interdisciplinary research program on youth sport concussion management. Presented at the 33rd NASSM Conference, Halifax.
Misener, K., Schlesinger, T., Doherty, A., Johnson, K., & Rogalsky, K. (2016, June). Legitimacy for capacity? An investigation of the role of certification in community sport organizations. Presented at the 31st NASSM Conference, Orlando.
Doherty, A., & Rogalsky, K. (2015, November). A longitudinal multiple case investigation of innovation in community sport. Presented at the 21st Annual Conference of SMAANZ, Hobart, Australia.
Doherty, A., Hoeber, L., Rogalsky, K., Wolfe, R., & Hoeber, O. (2013, May). Radical and incremental innovation in community sport. Presented at the 28th NASSM Conference, Austin, TX.
MacIntosh, E., Doherty, A., & Kerwin, S. (2021). Creating a Safe Culture in Canadian High Performance Sport. SSHRC Insight Grant, $177,013.
Patil, S., & Doherty, A. (2021). The Financial Wellbeing of National Team Women Athletes in Canada. Canadian Gender+ Equity in Sport Research Hub (E-Alliance) Seed Grant, $9,500.
Doherty, A., & Squire, K. (2020). Mapping the Sport and Physical Activity Landscape in London, Ontario. Mitacs Research Training Award, $6,000.
Schlesinger, T., and colleagues. 2019-2022). Integration of Newly Arrived Migrants through Organized Sport – From European Policy to Local Sports Club Practice, $573,400. Erasmus+ Programme, European Commission (613220-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-SPO-SCP). Partners: Ruhr University Bochum (Germany), IST-University of Management Foundation (Germany), University of South Denmark, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Charles University Prague (Hungary), University of Turin (Italy), University of Bern (Switzerland), Umea University (Sweden), ASVO-General Sport Federation (Austria), European Non-Governmental Sports Organization (European Union); Associate Partners: Western University (Alison Doherty), & University Technology Sydney (Australia).
Doherty, A., Caron, J., Fischer, L., Gassewitz, D., Greenhow, A., Safai, P., Cowle, S., Misley, J., Riggin, B., Rowe, K., Sibbald, S., Tanenbaum, B., Watson, M., & Wicker, P. (2019-2022) An Integrated Model for Effective Youth Sport Concussion Management. SSHRC Partnership Development Grant, $199,970.
Hall, C., Doherty, A., Belfry, G., & Schneider, A. (2018). The Benefits of Sport Participation for Adults Aged 65+. Faculty of Health Sciences Emerging Team Grant, $20,000.
Schneider, A., Doherty, A., Forsyth, J., Heine, M., Misener, L., Danylchuk, K. (2017). CANADA 150: Canada's Contribution to Social Impact and Human Rights in Sport, SSHRC Connection Grant, $40,921.
Misener, K., Schlesinger, T., & Doherty, A. (2015). Legitimacy for Capacity? An Investigation of the Role of Certification in Community Sport Organizations. Janet B. Parks NASSM Research Grant, 2015-2016, $3,450.
Doherty, A., Misener, K., & Hoye, R. (2014). The Role of Social Capital in the Organizational Capacity of Community Sport. SSHRC Insight Grant and Sport Canada Sport Participation Research Initiative, 2014-17, $114,912.
Hoeber, L., Doherty, A., Wolfe, R., & Hoeber, O. (2011). An Investigation of Innovation in Community Sport Organizations. SSHRC Standard Research Grant and Sport Canada Sport Participation Research Initiative, 2011-2014, $100,220.
Doherty, A., & Cuskelly, G. (2008). Organizational Capacity in Community Sport Organizations. SSHRC Standard Research Grant, 2008-2011, $109,688.