All abstracts will undergo a blinded, peer-reviewed process. Individuals may submit up to two abstracts each. Please note that while two abstracts may be submitted, it is not guaranteed that both will be presented. Abstracts must follow these guidelines to be considered.
The deadline for abstract submission is December 20, 2024 at 11:59pm ET.
Abstract Submissions can be submitted in the below Qualtrics form:
Note: Registration to attend the conference will be sent out at a later date.
General Guidelines
Structure: Content should be in a paragraph format with proper spelling and grammar. Abstracts are not required to have references.
Word Limit: Strict limit of 250 words (excluding the title and headings). Abstracts over the word limit will be rejected.
Descriptive Information: Include information for each specified heading in sentence structure. Ensure that each section of the abstract is concise, but clear enough for a general readership
Authors: Include a list of authors and affiliations
Your abstract’s structure and contents should reflect the stage of the project you are in. Please use the below as a suggested guide, but not mandatory.
1. Study planning and proposal
Abstracts in this category are intended for those who have created a proposal for their research and have yet to solidify their methodology or collect data
Abstracts should include: background, hypotheses/objectives, proposed methods, future applications/directions
2. Interim data collection
Abstracts in this category are intended for those who are currently conducting data collection or may have preliminary results.
Abstracts should include: background, hypotheses/objectives, methods, preliminary results (if applicable), future directions/implications
3. Completed projects
Abstracts in this category are intended for those with results.
Abstracts should include: background, hypotheses/objectives, methods, preliminary results (if applicable), implications