Canada Research Chairs Program - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Public Accountability and Transparency Requirements
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Commitment Statement
Western University recognizes that our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion is central to the University’s mandate as a research intensive institution of higher learning and a community leader. Western understands that our pursuit of research excellence and our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion are compatible and mutually supporting. As such, Western is committed to achieving and maintaining an equitable representation amongst our Canada Research Chair holders, as well as within Western’s broader research enterprise. Western seeks to ensure the equitable representation of the federally designated group members (women, members of racialized groups/visible minorities, Indigenous persons, and persons with disabilities). In keeping with the importance of diversity and inclusion, Western also recognizes additional equity seeking groups, including persons of any sexual orientation, and persons of any gender identity and/or gender expression.
Our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion is central to our strategic documents and established practices, including but not limited to the following:
- Western’s Strategic Plan, Towards Western at 150, launched in the fall of 2021, confirms “Western will strive to ensure that our community, our campus, our programs, our research, our outreach, and our self-representation will be more inclusive”. The new Associate Vice-President leading the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion will work collaboratively with the Associate Vice-President, Indigenous Initiatives and with other campus leaders to achieve measurable progress in these key areas and Western will create and launch an EDI Strategic Plan for Western.
- Western's Indigenous Strategic Plan (ISP) has, as goals, to "increase Indigenous faculty members working at Western” and “through promotion and tenure and annual performance review processes, recognize additional demands placed on time and workload of Indigenous faculty members through involvement in a number of activities that support Indigenous education and scholarship across the institution.” The ISP also commits to “review strategies to reduce the gap in Indigenous people’s representation.”
- Western’s Research Plan, Mobilize for Impact!, approved in February 2022, includes Advancing Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Decolonization as one of its four guiding principles which will implement proactive steps to extend equity, diversity and inclusion and decolonization efforts in the academy, its programs, services and funding initiatives it supports, including the Canada Research Chair Program.
- Western University and the University of Western Ontario Faculty Association have agreed, in the Faculty Collective Agreement, to "cooperate in the identification and removal of all barriers to the recruitment, selection, hiring, retention and promotion of the following groups: women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities and members of racialized groups. Other groups as may be designated as under-represented in federal and provincial human rights legislation or agreed to by the Parties may be included in this list."
Through the above strategic plans and our established practices, Western’s commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion will support our efforts to attract and retain the best talent, increase the diversity of our workplace and contribute to the creation of a world-class research and scholarship culture.
While we have made progress, we will continue to update and enhance provisions for equity, diversity and inclusion. As such, our EDI plan is a living document with strategies for continuous self-assessment and improvement.
Strategy Statement for Raising Awareness of Western's Commitments and the Benefits of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion within the Canada Research Chairs Program and Broader Research Enterprise
- Communicating the benefits of equity, diversity and inclusion through website presence and community emails.
- Monitoring adherence to well-defined allocation, search and recruitment processes and publishing and communicating our progress in diversifying our CRC population.
- Incorporating reporting of equity, diversity and inclusion activities by academic units in our annual planning cycle to re-inforce awareness among academic leaders of the strategic importance to the institution of equity, diversity and inclusion.
- Providing equity, diversity and inclusion training to all members of CRC-related committees, as well as ensuring the participation of an Equity Representative on these committees.
Governance Plan and Committee Membership
A recommendation for approval of Western’s CRCP EDI plan was made by Western’s Canada Research Chairs Steering Committee after development and endorsement of the plan from the Western’s Canada Research Chairs Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Plan Committee.
Western’s CRC Steering Committee’s membership includes: the Provost and Vice-President (Academic); the Vice-President (Research); and the Vice-Provost (Academic Planning, Policy and Faculty).
Western’s CRC Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Plan Committee includes representatives from Research Western; the Office of Indigenous Initiatives; Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion; Faculty/Department/School Leadership; and Canada Research Chair Holders.
Western’s Canada Research Chairs Equity, Diversity and Action Plan is a “living plan”. Ongoing discussion and dialogue with the full academic community will be central to the plan’s continuous assessment and update.
Action Plan - Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Contact Information of Persons Responsible for Implementing Western's Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan
Dr. Nusha Keyghobadi
Acting Vice-Provost (Academic Planning, Policy and Faculty)
Western University
International and Graduate Affairs Building, Lower Level
London, ON; N6A 3K7
Connie Zrini
Associate Director, Office of Faculty Relations and Recruitment
Office of Faculty Relations
Western University
International and Graduate Affairs Building, Lower Level
London, ON N6A 3K7
Contacts for Inquiries related to the Faculty Collective Agreement and/or Western University’s policies governing faculty:
Robert Monti
Director, Faculty Relations
Western University
International and Graduate Affairs Building, Lower Level
London, ON N6A 3K7
Contacts for Western-specific Inquiries or Concerns related to Equity, Diversity & Inclusion:
Lesley Oliver
Specialist in Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Western University
Procedures for Addressing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Concerns
Western University has various policies and collective agreement articles related to equity, diversity, inclusion and human rights. For more information on these, please view our full statement: Procedures for Addressing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Concerns (PDF)
Canada Research Chair Program Statistics for University Equity Target Data
CRCP Equity Target Data for all participating institutions can be found at: Canada Research Chairs - Program Statistics
Western University Equity Target Data 2021-2029
Western University Target percentages: Equity Target Setting Summary Table 2021-2029
Policies and Procedures Regarding Staffing of Canada Research Chairs
Canada Research Chairs Program Utilization Spreadsheet for Western University
For Western's current utilization, please view our CRC Program Utilization Spreadsheet (PDF).
Canada Research Chair Advertisements
For all of Western's current Canada Research Chair opportunities, as well as archived Canada Research Chair postings, please visit us at our Academic Careers page for Research Chairs.
Transparency Statement for Internal Canada Research Chairs Advertisement
Canada Research Chair Internal Postings
There are currently no Internal Postings available.
Canada Research Chair Posting Archives (Internal)
Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) Faculty Position in Leadership (Internal) (PDF)
Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) Faculty Position in Data Analytics in Marketing (Internal) (PDF)
Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) Social Inequities in Mental Health Services (Internal) (PDF)
Transparency Statement for Emergency Retentions and Tier 1 - Third Nominations
The CRC Steering Committee reviews all requests to:
1) allocate a CRC for emergency retention nominations
2) Tier 1, third term nominations
Approvals, if applicable, are made in exceptional circumstances and in accordance with the Canada Research Chairs Program Requirements for Recruiting and Nominating Canada Research Chairs ( ) and equity and diversity considerations aligned with Western’s Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan.
Canada Research Chairs Program, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Requirements and Practices
Canada Research Chairs Program Requirements for Recruiting and Nominating Canada Research Chairs
Public Progress Reports
Progress report as of December 15, 2018: Western's CRC EDI Progress Report 2018 (PDF)
Progress report as of June 20, 2021: Western's EDI Progress Report 2019, EDI Progress Report 2020, EDI Progress Report 2021(PDF) and EDI Progress Report 2022(PDF)