Advanced Materials and Biomaterials
Participating Faculties: Science (host), Engineering, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry
Project Leaders: John Corrigan
Total Project Funding: $140,000
Funding Period: 3 years
Abstract:The Centre for Advanced Materials and Biomaterials Research (CAMBR) at Western exists to aid in coordinating the research, educational and outreach activities in the areas of “Materials and Biomaterials” from all Faculties. Advanced Materials and Biomaterials Interdisciplinary (AMBI) Initiative funding will promote this University in becoming a destination of choice for researchers and students interested in materials and biomaterials.
This area of teaching and research involves collaborations from engineering, medicine and science and the breadth and depth of the research excellence mirrors the recognized strengths in Materials and Biomaterials at Western, identified as one of 10 “Signature Areas” in the 2008-2011 Strategic Research Plan. To this end CAMBR was founded with primary objectives that include:
- to provide a cohesive presence and collective vision for the UWO Faculties, Departments, laboratories and facilities whose researchers work on materials and biomaterials.
- to serve as an organization where Centre members working in materials research will be able to meet, interact and collaborate effectively, and as a communication hub to the outside world.
40 faculty members at Western currently participate in CAMBR membership. The IDI funding will support an integrated undergraduate/graduate/research approach via the establishment of Advanced Materials and Biomaterials Interdisciplinary (AMBI) Research Awards for undergraduates, AMBI Graduate Scholarships and AMBI collaborative research facilities access support. At the undergraduate level, the IDI funding will enable us to attract the brightest young minds from Canada and abroad into this area by offering interdisciplinary research opportunities to match their curriculum, and fully immerse them in the exciting interdisciplinary environment of materials and biomaterials. The enhanced national and international profile of the strengths in advanced materials and biomaterials will have undergraduate and graduate students increasingly identify Western as their destination of choice for study and research in this signature area.