Researcher Profile
Ingrid Johnsrude
Research Areas
Dr. Johnsrude trained as a clinical neuropsychologist (PhD 1997) at McGill University where Brenda Milner was her MSc and PhD adviser. A Wellcome-Trust-funded postdoctoral fellowship at the Functional Imaging Laboratory (FIL; now the Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging) at University College London led to a research-scientist position at the Medical Research Council’s Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge UK (now part of Cambridge University). In 2004, she was recruited to Queen’s University (Kingston, Canada) as a Canada Research Chair, moving to Western in 2014. She has won awards including NSERC’s EWR Steacie Fellowship (2009), and an IgNobel prize (2003) with Eleanor Maguire and others for a paper demonstrating navigation-related changes in the brains of London cabbies. Her trainees are in rewarding positions in academia, industry, and health care.