Faculty and Student Research
The Africa Institute is home to faculty members and students from across various faculties, departments, and disciplines across campus. Below you can see brief research highlight videos from a few of our faculty members and students, and the research being done by them here at Western.
Faculty Research & Program Highlights
Dr. Abbas Jessani (Dentistry)
Dr. Andrew Walsh (Anthropology)
Dr. Ava John-Baptiste (Epidemiology and Biostatistics)
Dr. Eric Arts (Microbiology & Immunology)
Dr. Francisco Olea-Popelka (Pathology & Labratory Medicine)
Dr. Henri Boyi (French Studies)
Dr. Ian Cunningham (Medical Biophysics; Schulich Medicine & Dentistry)
Dr. Isola Ajiferuke (Faculty of Information & Media Studies)
Dr. Janet Martin (Anaesthia & Perioperative Medicine; Epidemiology & Biostatistics)
Dr. Jessica Prodger (Microbiology & Immunology)
Dr. Karolina Werner (Post-doc, Centre for Transitional Justice and Post-Conflict Reconstruction)
Dr. Lindsay Scorgie-Porter (Huron, Political Science)
Dr. Nandi Bhatia (English Studies)
Dr. Nicole Haggerty (Ivey Business School)
Ubuntu Management Education Initiative
Launched in 2012, the Ubuntu Management Education Initiative operates as an international development effort by Ivey students and faculty, to build capacity for quality case-based business education at partner business schools in Africa. The over-arching goal of the initiative is to assist African Business Schools who are trying to build their capabilities for case-based pedagogy in management education – an effort consistent with the Global Goal for Quality Education announced in September 2015.
Dr. Paul Beamish (Ivey Business School)
Dr. Saverio Stranges (Epidemiology & Biostatistics)
Dr. Shehzad Ali (Epidemiology & Biostatistics)
Dr. Thomas Tieku (Political Science)
Student Research Highlights
Aimée Josephine Utuza (PhD Candidate, Health Promotion)
Ebenezer Martin-Yeboah (PhD Candidate, Health Information Science)
Florence Anfaara (PhD Candidate, Department of Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies)
Uche Ikenyei (PhD Candidate, Faculty of Information & Media Studies)
Jason Were (PhD Candidate, Epidemiology & Biostatistics)