DHH Resources

Western-DHH Curriculum-Based Spoken Language Assessment Tool

This assessment tool has been developed for use by Specialist Teachers who support students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH). The assessment tool includes four sections: Vocabulary, Morphological Awareness, Sentence Combining, and Discourse. Each of these sections can be downloaded below.

If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Benninger by email at rbraun6@uwo.ca


This section of the Western-DHH assessment tool assesses a student's curriculum-based vocabulary knowledge. It includes instructions, a vocabulary rating checklist, a vocabulary strategy checklist, a summary form, and a series of vocabulary lists arranged by grade. These vocabulary lists inlcude vocabulary specific to Mathematics, Science and Technology, and English/Language Arts curricula. These vocabulary lists have been compiled based on the Ontario curriculum and are not an exhaustive list of the vocabulary a student might encounter in the classroom.


Western-DHH_Vocabulary Summary Form (Fillable)

Morphological Awareness

This section of the Western-DHH assessment tool assesses a student's awareness of, and ability to manipulate, the smallest units of meaning in words. This document includes instructions, a task for adding morphemes (production), a task for removing morphemes (decomposition), and a summary form.

Western-DHH_Morphological Awareness

Western-DHH_Morphological Awareness Summary Form (Fillable)

Sentence Combining

This section of the Western-DHH assessment tool assesses a student's awareness of and ability to combine sentences in order to use more complex syntax. It includes instructions, a summary form, and a task that addresses a variety of sentence combination types.

Western-DHH_Sentence Combining

Western-DHH_Sentence Combining Summary Form (Fillable)


This section of the Western-DHH assessment tool assesses a student's knowledge of and ability to use key elements of oral discourse. This includes instructions, a summary form, and tasks to address skills in the areas of narrative, opinion, and expository language.


Western-DHH_Discourse Summary Form (Fillable)

Fillable Summary Forms

These summary forms have been made into fillable PDFs, but are otherwise identical to the summary forms included in the documents for each section above. (These forms are also available within each section above).

Western-DHH_Fillable Summary Forms