Derek Pamukoff, PhD


  • PhD (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
  • MS (Wake Forest University)
  • BSc (McMaster University)

Graduate Program Supervision

  • Integrative Biosciences MSc | PhD

Research In Profile

Professor Pamukoff's research program examines biomechanical and neuromuscular function following joint injury and in obesity. He specifically examines modifiable characteristics that contribute to accelerated knee osteoarthritis incidence and progression, and develop novel intervention strategies that improve mobility and physical function. He has additional interests in running-related performance, injury prevention, and rehabilitation. Interested undergraduate, MSc and PhD students are encouraged to contact Professor Pamukoff to discuss training opportunities.  

Featured Publications and Projects

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • Dennis JD, Holmes SC, Heredia CE, Shumski EJ, Pamukoff DN. Lower extremity joint angle, moment, and coordination throughout a double limb drop vertical jump in individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Sports Biomechanics. In press. (Accepted May 2/2024).
  • Battersby HS, Holmes SC, Garcia SA, Shumski EJ, Heredia CE, Pamukoff DN. The influence of knee position on ultrasound imaging of femoral cartilage in individuals with ACL reconstruction. Cartilage. 2024. June; 15(2): 84-93.
  • Pamukoff DN, Holmes SC, Heredia CE, Shumski EJ, Garcia SA, Montgomery MM. Cartilage deformation following a walking bout in individuals with ACL reconstruction. Journal of Orthopedic Research. 2024. Feb; 42(2): 349-359.
  • Dennis JD, Choe KH, Montgomery MM, Lynn SK, Crews BM, Pamukoff DN. Lower extremity and trunk sagittal plane coordination strategies and kinetic distribution during landing in males and females. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2024. Jan; 42(2): 169-178.
  • Evans RJ, Moffit TJ, Mitchell PK, Pamukoff DN. Injury- and performance- related running biomechanical differences in recreational and collegiate runners. Frontiers in Sport and Active Living. 2023. Sep 14; Vol 5: 1268292.
  • Garcia SA, Pamukoff DN, Johnson AK, Palmieri-Smith RM. Joint and limb load during gait in adults with ACL-reconstruction: comparison between single-step and cumulative load metrics. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2023. Sept; 55(9): 1706-1716.
  • Dennis JD, KH Choe, MM Montgomery, SK Lynn, BM Crews, Pamukoff DN. Lower Extremity Coordination Strategies to Mitigate Dynamic Knee Valgus During Landing in Males and Females. Journal of Biomechanics. 2023. July; 156: 111689.
  • Shumski EJ, Kasamatsu TK, Wilson KS, Pamukoff DN. Mental fatigue uniquely influences drop landing biomechanics for individuals with a concussion history. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2023. May; 32(4): 353-360.

Visit Google Scholar for a comprehensive list of publications.

Current Grants and Research Projects

  • Pamukoff, D.N. (2022 – 2027). The influence of mechanical loading on articular cartilage adaptation. National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada. $140,000.
  • Pamukoff, D.N. (2022 – 2024). Compositional cartilage assessments using ultrasound imaging. Western Bone and Joint Institute. $ 30,000.
  • Pamukoff, D.N. (2022 – 2024). Walking patterns and regional knee cartilage thickness mapping using ultrasound imaging. Western Strategic Support for NSERC. $25,000.
  • Pamukoff, D.N. (2022 – 2027). Movement and applied imaging laboratory for osteoarthritis research . Canadian Foundation for Innovation / Ontario Research Fund. $532,747.

Featured Graduate Student Projects

Influence of running biomechanics and behaviours on knee cartilage  

  • Evans, Ryan (In progress). PhD, Kinesiology.

Biomechanical contributors to cartilage morphology after ACL reconstruction

  • Battersby, Harry (In progress). PhD, Kinesiology.

Influence of lower limb muscle function of the association between kinetics and bone mineral density in distance runners  

  • Smith, Max (In progress). MSc, Kinesiology.

​ Influence of textured insoles on foot strike patterns in distance runners  

  • Silon, Nicolas (In progress). MSc, Kinesiology.

Does quadriceps strengthmodify the association between knee loading and cartilage morphology 10 years after ACL reconstruction

  • Starr, Riley (In progress). MSc, Kinesiology

Additional Information

Academic Appointments and Research Affiliations

  • Lawson Health Research Institute – Associate Scientist since 2021
  • American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) – Member since 2009
  • American Society of Biomechanics (ASB) – Member since 2011
  • Canadian Society of Biomechanics (CSB) – Member since 2015

Media Highlights


  • Fellow, American College of Sports Medicine (2024)
  • American College of Sports Medicine Biomechanics Interest Group: Young Scientist Research Award (2019)
  • California State University Fullerton Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities Excellence Award (2018)
  • University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Graduate Education Advancement Board Award for Research Impact (2016)

Professional Activities

  • Reviewer, Clinical Investigations (CB2), Canadian Institutes of Health Research (2022-2025)
  • Scientific Officer, Canadian Arthritis Society Innovations Grants (2022)
  • Member, American College of Sports Medicine (Since 2009)
  • Member, American Society of Biomechanics (Since 2011)
  • Member, Canadian Society of Biomechanics (Since 2015)