Molly Driediger, PhD
- PhD (Western)
- MA (Western)
- BA (Western)
Graduate Program Supervision
Research In Profile
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Featured Publications and Projects
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Bourke, M., Vanderloo, L. M., Irwin, J. D., Burke, S. M., Driediger, M., Timmons, B. W., & Tucker, P. (in press). Association between childcare movement behaviour compositions with health and development among preschoolers: Finding the optimal combinations of physical activities and sedentary time. Journal of Sports Sciences.
- Szpunar, M., Johnson, A.M., Driediger, M., Burke, S.M., Irwin, J.D., Shelley, J., Timmons, B.W., Vanderloo, L.M. & Tucker, P. (February 2021). Implementation Adherence and Perspectives of the Childcare PhysicaL ActivitY (PLAY) Policy: A Process Evaluation. Health Education & Behavior.
- Tucker, P., Driediger, M., Vanderloo, L.M., Burke, S.M., Irwin, J.D., Johnson, A.M., Shelley, J., & Timmons, B.W. (November 2019). Exploring the Feasibility and Efficacy of a Childcare PhysicaL ActivitY (PLAY) Policy: Rationale and Protocol for a Pilot Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, 4400.
- Driediger, M., Truelove, S., Johnson, A.M., Vanderloo, L.M., Timmons, B.W., Burke, S.M., Irwin, J.D., & Tucker, P. (October 2019). The Impact of Shorter, More Frequent Outdoor Play Periods on Preschoolers' Physical Activity during Childcare: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, 4126.
- Driediger, M., Vanderloo, L.M., Burke, S.M., Irwin, J.D., Gaston, A., Timmons, B.W., Johnson, A.M., & Tucker, P. The implementation and feasibility of the Supporting Physical Activity in the Childcare Environment (SPACE) intervention: a process evaluation (December 2018). Health Education & Behavior, 45, 935-944.
- Driediger, M., Vanderloo, L.M., Truelove, S., Bruijns, B.A., & Tucker, P. (July 2018). Encouraging kids to hop, skip, and jump! Emphasizing the need for higher-intensity physical activity in childcare. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 7(3), 333-336.
- Driediger, M.V., McKay, C.D., Hall, C.R., & Echlin, P.S. (December 2016). A qualitative examination of women’s self-presentation and social physique anxiety during injury rehabilitation. Physiotherapy, 102(4), 371-376.
Visit Google Scholar for a comprehensive list of publications.
Additional Information
- Western University Postdoctoral Three-Minute Research Competition Winner (2019)
- Mitacs Accelerate Postdoctoral Fellowship (2019)
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Travel Award (2018)
- Faculty of Health Sciences Teaching Award - Recognition of Achievement (2010, 2012)
Professional Activities
- Member of Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP)
- Member of the Healthy Eating and Healthy Physical Activity (HEHPA) priority group of the Child and
- Youth Network (CYN) of the City of London
- PhD (Western)
- MA (Western)
- BA (Western)
Research Interests
- Community-based physical activity interventions
- Program implementation and evaluation
- Physical activity among preschoolers and children
- Psychological interventions (e.g., imagery use, goal setting, motivation)
- Self-presentation and social physique anxiety in exercise and injury rehabilitation
Additional Information
Recent Publications
A comprehensive list of publications is available through Google Scholar.
- Szpunar, M., Johnson, A.M., Driediger, M., Burke, S.M., Irwin, J.D., Shelley, J., Timmons, B.W., Vanderloo, L.M. & Tucker, P. (February 2021). Implementation Adherence and Perspectives of the Childcare PhysicaL ActivitY (PLAY) Policy: A Process Evaluation. Health Education & Behavior.
- Tucker, P., Driediger, M., Vanderloo, L.M., Burke, S.M., Irwin, J.D., Johnson, A.M., Shelley, J., & Timmons, B.W. (November 2019). Exploring the Feasibility and Efficacy of a Childcare PhysicaL ActivitY (PLAY) Policy: Rationale and Protocol for a Pilot Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, 4400.
- Driediger, M., Truelove, S., Johnson, A.M., Vanderloo, L.M., Timmons, B.W., Burke, S.M., Irwin, J.D., & Tucker, P. (October 2019). The Impact of Shorter, More Frequent Outdoor Play Periods on Preschoolers' Physical Activity during Childcare: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, 4126.
- Driediger, M., Vanderloo, L.M., Burke, S.M., Irwin, J.D., Gaston, A., Timmons, B.W., Johnson, A.M., & Tucker, P. The implementation and feasibility of the Supporting Physical Activity in the Childcare Environment (SPACE) intervention: a process evaluation (December 2018). Health Education & Behavior, 45, 935-944.
- Driediger, M., Vanderloo, L.M., Truelove, S., Bruijns, B.A., & Tucker, P. (July 2018). Encouraging kids to hop, skip, and jump! Emphasizing the need for higher-intensity physical activity in childcare. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 7(3), 333-336.
- Tucker, P., Vanderloo, L.M., Johnson, A.M., Burke, S.M., Irwin, J.D., Gaston, A., Driediger, M., & Timmons, B.W. (September 2017). Impact of the Supporting Physical Activity in the Childcare Environment (SPACE) intervention on preschoolers' physical activity levels and sedentary time: a single-blind cluster randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14, 120.
- Driediger, M.V., McKay, C.D., Hall, C.R., & Echlin, P.S. (December 2016). A qualitative examination of women’s self-presentation and social physique anxiety during injury rehabilitation. Physiotherapy, 102(4), 371-376.
Community Partnerships
- YMCA of Southwestern Ontario
- Special Olympics
- Track 3 Adaptive Ski and Snowboard School
Teaching Areas
- Sport, Exercise, and Rehabilitation Psychology
- Physical Activity and Wellness
- Exercise and Specific Populations
- Strength and Conditioning
- Western University Postdoctoral Three-Minute Research Competition Winner (2019)
- Mitacs Accelerate Postdoctoral Fellowship (2019)
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Travel Award (2018)
- Faculty of Health Sciences Teaching Award - Recognition of Achievement (2010, 2012)
Professional Activities
- Member of Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP)
- Member of the International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA)
- Member of the Healthy Eating and Healthy Physical Activity (HEHPA) priority group of the Child and Youth Network (CYN) of the City of London