Academic Careers

Since 1878, Western University has been committed to serving our communities through the pursuit of academic excellence and by providing students, faculty, and community members with life-long opportunities for intellectual, social, and cultural growth.  We seek excellent students, faculty, and staff to join us in what has become known as the "Western Experience" - an opportunity to contribute to a better world through the development of new knowledge, new abilities, new connections, and new ways to make a difference.

Search Faculty (UWOFA) positions for Full-Time UWOFA Faculty positions, UWOFA Academic Administrative positions, and Faculty Course Authoring opportunities at Western.

Search Clinical Faculty positions for Full-Time and Part-Time Clinical Faculty positions at Western and Clinical Academic Administrative opportunities in the  Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry.

Search Librarian/Archivist positions for Full-Time and Part-Time Librarian and Archivist positions, and Librarian/Archivist Academic Administrative opportunities at Western.

Search Research Chair positions for Canada Research Chair positions and other Research Chair/Research Cluster opportunities at Western.

Notice of Anticipated LD Appointments - Summer 2025 (posted December 18, 2025)

**NOTE: For all Limited Duties postings (excluding course authoring appointments), please visit: Working at Western, Employment Opportunities. When at the site, please select the appropriate link under the Logging in section to access Working at Western - Careers.  Select View All Jobs.  Use the filter at left to find the Faculty you wish to explore for opportunities.  Under Posting Type select Faculty.  Under Faculty/Unit select a faculty.