
Bicycle Unit


In addition to cruiser and foot patrol, Western Special Constables are frequently found patrolling Western and affiliate campuses on bikes.

Bicycle patrols allow Special Constables quick access to all areas of campus, including many of the path and walk ways that are not accessible by vehicle.

Equally important, travelling on bike allows our Special Constables greater opportunity to engage in conversation and answer inquiries from persons on campus.

Cycling safety and bicycle theft prevention are some of the initiatives offered through the bicycle patrol unit.


Blue Emergency Phones

campus emergency phone

The Code Blue Emergency Phones are emergency phones, which provide direct two-way communications to the Western Special Constable Service Communications Operators in the Communications Centre.

There are 29 Emergency Phones located strategically on grounds throughout the campus. At any campus location you are only a few seconds away from a direct link to the Western Special Constable Service should a situation arise where you require assistance.

Card Access

Western University has a long standing commitment and policy aimed at maintaining a Safe Campus, where individual contributions are valued. The Card Access program is a large part of this priority and management of the card system is the responsibility of Campus Safety and Emergency Services.


  • To obtain security card access, your Western One photo ID card must have HID iCLASS on the back bottom left corner. If you do not have this type of card please go to Student Central room 1120 in the Western Student Services building (WSS)

  • Your information will be programmed into the system based on the access authorized and your Western One photo ID card will be activated.


Card access request forms are submitted by a faculty official on your behalf. Your card will usually be activated within two business days of the information being received by Campus Safety and Emergency Services.

Faculty and Staff

Card access authority is received from the Dean or Budget Head who will submit the request and approval form on your behalf. Your card will usually be activated within two business days of the information being received by Campus Safety and Emergency Services.

Maintenance and Card Issues

First of all check with the person in your area that is responsible for Card Access. If the issue is not resolved they can email with inquiries, requests, maintenance or for card issues, or call ext. 87059.

Also, for an emergent situation after hours please phone WSCS Communication Center at ext. 83300.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the Western Special Constable Service?

The Western Special Constable Service consists of a team of dedicated safety professionals focussed on ensuring the beautiful campuses of Western and our Affiliates, are safe and secure environments for all students, faculty, staff and visitors. Supported by our Western Special Constable Service Communication Centre Operators at 519-661-3300 or Ext. 83300, our Special Constables have authorities on campus, similar to those of the London Police Service. Our responsibilities also include card access and building perimeter security for Western’s 100 plus buildings.

What are the operating hours of Western Special Constable Service?

The Western Special Constable Service is operational 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our Communications Centre and Reception is accessed through a 24 hour entrance at the rear (east side) of the Stevenson-Lawson Building.

Can Western Special Constables lay charges and arrest someone?

Yes. Western Special Constables have many of the same powers and authorities on campus as London Police have within the Province of Ontario. Western Special Constables have Canadian Criminal Code authority as well as several Ontario Provincial Acts, including the Liquor Licence Act, Highway Traffic Act, Trespass to Property Act and the Mental Health Act. These authorities are within the campuses of Western University and the affiliate's properties.

Can a Western Special Constable pull me over when I am driving my car?

Yes. Western Special Constables drive marked cruisers that are distinct from London Police Service vehicles. Their focus is traffic management, ensuring safety for all cyclist, pedestrian and vehicular traffic on campus roadways. Under the Canadian Criminal Code and the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, Special Constables do have the authority to stop motorists and cyclists for driving related violations.

Is there a “holding” cell on campus?

There is no holding cell on Campus. When an individual needs to be held in custody, Western Special Constables transport persons to the London Police Service Headquarters Detention Unit.

When I call 911, does the call go to Western Special Constable Service or the London Police Service (LPS)?

All 911 calls made from Western’s campus will go directly to the London Police Service (LPS) 911 Communication Centre.

Western’s blue emergency phones, red phones and the AlertWesternU SOS app will continue to be directed to Western Special Constable Service (WSCS).

For non-emergency calls to WSCS, please call 519-661-3300 or Ext. 83300.

Does Brescia, Huron, and King’s University Colleges have their own Special Constable Service?

No. Western Special Constable Service provides this service under contract to the affiliated University Colleges. The Special Constable appointment from the Ontario Ministry and the London Police Service Board extends the Special Constable authority to the Affiliated University Colleges.

Golf Cart/Low Speed Electric Vehicle Training

Community members who require the use of golf carts/low speed electric vehicles as part of their duties must complete safety training, which includes an online component followed by practical training.

In partnership with Western's Health, Safety & Well-being, the Western Special Constable Service conducts the practical portion of this training.

Community members that successfully complete both training components will receive a certificate which they must have in their possession when operating a golf cart/low speed electric vehicle.

Please contact your leader if you require this training.


In a vibrant community such as Western, hosting approximately 35,000 students and 4,000 faculty and staff, campus is similar to a small city. Throughout the year, an average of 8,000 various call types and requests for service are received annually. While many of these may require only a brief investigation, others involve a more in-depth response. Western Special Constables are trained and have appropriate legislative approval to respond to, and investigate occurrences, related to various sections of the federal Criminal Code as well as several Ontario legislated Acts, including the Highway Traffic Act, Liquor Licence Act, Trespass to Property Act and Mental Health Act.

Our Special Constable primary focus is the overall safety of persons and protection of property on Western and Affiliate campuses. They take pride in ensuring investigations are thorough and fair, including recognition of the appropriate level of consequences for the conduct in question. Our goal is to support the “Best Student Experience” and if someone’s conduct is a safety concern to others, there are many options for response, from counseling and warnings to Code of Student Conduct, and finally criminal charges and arrest.

Lost & Found

campus emergency phone

From September until April, Lost and Found is operated by Western Foot Patrol.

The University Community Centre
Room 57

Western Foot Patrol Hours:
Monday-Friday 12pm-5pm (refer to for exact hours)

From May until August, property is held at Western Special Constable Service, LWH 1257

Western Special Constable Service Hours: 7 days per week, 24 hours per day.

If you have lost property: email: or drop by during hours above.

Patrol and Response

police patrol car

Western University central campus, the three Affiliates - King’s University College, Huron University College and Brescia University College, and the Research Park, are situated on approximately 1000 acres of beautiful campus within the City of London. Western Special Constables provide 365 day, 24 / 7 patrols of these properties, embracing cruiser, bicycle and foot patrol options, ensuring coverage to all segments of the campus properties.

With the flexibility of patrol options, Western Special Constables are able to respond to most calls for service within minutes of the call being received in our Communications Centre at 519-661-3300 or Ext. 83300.

Safety and Awareness Presentations

campus emergency phone

The Western Special Constable Service (WSCS) provides informative and engaging safety presentations to educate students, faculty and staff on a wide range of topics, including personal safety, crime prevention, emergency response and campus resources. By equipping our community with valuable knowledge and tools, WSCS aims to empower individuals to contribute to a safer university environment. Through our ninety-minute presentations, individuals become more aware of potential situations and are better prepared to respond.

For further information and to arrange for a group presentation, please contact Kim Reynolds at  and/or Amanda Pfeffer

Safety and Security Audits


Our CSPTED (Campus Safety Provided Through Environmental Design) Sergeant conducts safetyVideo Sticker and security audits, registers all of our video monitoring cameras, conducts B & E follow-ups in some cases, provides traffic management advice and is involved in other duties that support a Safe Campus Community.

Video Monitoring

Video monitoring cameras are installed internally and externally at Western in support of personal Safety and property Security. Signage, as noted above, is posted near camera locations throughout campus to provide awareness in residences, in academic and administrative buildings and near security areas such as retail establishments to advise the community that video monitoring is in effect. Cameras also view parking lots and streets in an effort to support safety on campus.

A CSPTED review always precedes the placement of any camera and this is followed by recommendations that relate to placement, viewing area, and responsibilities. Simultaneous to installation the ‘responsible person’ for the camera(s) receives training and must acknowledge their responsibilities in writing, in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and Western’s Video Monitoring policy.

While WTS provides technical support for the approximately 600 cameras at Western, Campus Police monitor these and are able to focus on areas that require attention.

video camera

New Installation

Any new installation requires a formal request from a department head to the Director, Campus Safety and Emergency Services. This is then followed by a Western Special Constable Service security review to determine the need for a camera and identify the purpose, location and the best security safeguards available.

Video monitoring is but one small aspect of Western’s overall Safety Network. Other facets include community members being encouraged to stay safe and to contact Western Special Constable Service with information about suspicious activity or any personal safety concern.

Personal Information Collection Notice - Video Monitoring

The personal information captured by video monitoring equipment is collected under the authority of the University of Western Ontario Act, 1982, as amended. The information is used for purposes relating to safety and security on-campus and at off-campus sites owned or controlled by Western.

Please see the University’s Video Monitoring Policy and Procedures for more information about video monitoring at Western.

Address any questions about this collection and use of personal information to:
Director, Campus Safety and Emergency Services
Room 1257, Lawson Hall
The University of Western Ontario
London, ON, N6A 5B8
tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 84010

Women's Self Defense Training

What is Women's Self Defense Training?

The Western Special Constable Service provides women basic information on personal safety, awareness, risk reduction and avoidance. Participants will learn practical defensive techniques that require no special skills.

This program will allow women to be more aware of their surroundings and offers the opportunity to test these learned skills on a real person during an optional simulated attack session.

This course is held in a private group setting and is available for Western students, faculty, staff, alumni and guests.

Why pick this program?

  • The largest network of its kind with over 3,000 instructors trained who have trained nearly 100,000 women.
  • The only program with a free lifetime return and practice policy that is honoured in Canada and United States.
  • The development of specialized simulation techniques and equipment for use by certified R.A.D. instructors.

Basic Physical Defence Program

This course has its foundations in education and awareness. The course includes lecture, discussion, and self defence techniques suitable for women of all ages and abilities. The course is FREE to all participants. A $20 deposit is required with your registration package. The deposit is returned in full at the successful completion of the course.

Upcoming Courses: 2025

February 18, 19, 20, 2025 (9am-1pm). You must attend all three days.
March 17, 18, 19, 2025 (9am-1pm). You must attend all three days.
May 5, 6, 7, 2025 (9am-1pm). You must attend all three days.
October 20, 21, 22, 2025 (9am-1pm). You must attend all three days.
November 5, 6, 7, 2025 (9am-1pm). You must attend all three days.

All training takes place on campus. You will be notified of the location.

For further inquires, email

For more information on courses in North America, please visit R.A.D. Systems at

Work Safe Program

The Work Safe program is operated by Western Special Constable Service & Western Foot Patrol. This service is ideal for people working late and alone on campus. Customers call to register with the program, after which they can call the service at any time when working late at night.

Hours of operation
7 days/week: 6pm-6am
September, Holidays, exams: 9pm-6am

How to use Work Safe

Customers must register before using the program.

  • 6pm - 1am, call 519 661-3650 (or extension 83650) - Western Foot Patrol
  • 1am - 6am, call 519 661-3300 (or extension 83300) - Western Special Constable Service

How it Works

When you call to use the service, you will select times through the evening to contact Western Foot Patrol or Western Special Constable Service. You are responsible to call and "check in" with the operator at these established times.

If you have not called five minutes after the designated check in time, we will call you. If you do not answer the phone, we will leave a message, wait five minutes and then dispatch the Western Special Constable Service for a welfare check.

You must call the service before you leave the campus for the evening.