The Western Centre for Animals on the Move (CAM) conducts research on how, why, and where animals move.
We explore how animal movement is influenced by the surrounding environment and human activities. Each year, around the globe, billions of birds, bats, fishes, sea turtles, marine and terrestrial mammals, and insects navigate hundreds to thousands of kilometers between specialized habitats required for breeding, over-winter survival, moulting, and other activities.
Designing effective conservation actions for migratory and non-migratory species in Canada is a major conservation challenge. Canada cannot be resilient to the effects of a changing climate and anthropogenic activities without the health and connectivity of its mobile animal species. The Centre for Animals on Move informs the way we measure, approach, communicate, and ultimately interact with mobile animal species.

MOTUS Telemetry System
The MOTUS telemetry system is an international collaboration for tracking birds and other small and hard to track species.
Featured field photos
Learn how our research efforts drive important discoveries that address key research questions and inform our next steps.