Members of the Centre for Animals on the Move have access to a variety of facilities for conducting leading research in animal movement. We use a variety of techniques across a range of taxa and therefore have different tools for our research. Learn more about some of the equipment, tools, and facilities we use.
The Advanced Facility for Avian Research (AFAR) is a world-class facility at Western University for interdisciplinary studies of bird physiology, neurobiology and behaviour.
The Laboratory for Stable Isotope Science (LSIS) conducts research across the range of stable isotope science, including bioarchaeology, biology, ecology, environmental science, geochemistry, geology, hydrology/hydrogeology, meteoritics and paleoclimatology.
The Field Laboratory for Integrated Ecological Research (FLIER) is a tow-behind RV which has been converted to a mobile lab space, allowing researchers to bring some of the facilities of the lab directly to the field site.