Western Women in Neuroscience

About Us

Who we are

The Western Women in Neuroscience is a group of women and men who are interested in the issues related to being a woman in psychology and neuroscience. While our group mainly consists of women, we also have many men who attend events and join the discussion. We also encourage attendance from individuals at all levels, from undergraduate to faculty.

What we do

The group meets regularly for various activities. We organize talks by a female faculty member from UWO and the affiliated colleges to speak on topics such as interviewing, negotiation, myths/facts about women in science, management style, work/life balance, and anything else our members express an interest in. The talks are followed by discussion, with time to ask the speaker questions and to discuss amongst the group.

We also arrange Q&As with visiting female speakers from other colloquia series.

We organize social events as well, giving members a chance to build relationships with other women scientists. This includes lunches at eateries on campus as well as drinks at the campus pub after talks, with other types of events to come.

We also organize outreach programs, working in the community to inform others about the issues that society is currently facing with respect to women in science. Refer to the “WINS in the Community” tab for more information about our outreach initiatives.