Yolanda MorbeyWestern Science

Undergraduate Research Opportunities (2016-2017)

Research in the Morbey lab focuses on seasonal and life history timing behaviour in salmonid fishes and birds.  For 2016-2017, I am recruiting two Biology or Environmental Science 4999E students. For the right student, this could transition into an M.Sc. opportunity in 2017.

Project 1: Avian Stopover Ecology. To address a gap in knowledge about the migration behaviour and habitat use of birds in southwestern Ontario, I and other researchers at Western are undertaking telemetry studies to track the movement of individually-marked birds. This project will only involve computer work, and so the ideal student must have experience and interest in data management, statistical analysis, and computer programming (e.g., in R).

Project 2: Phenology of Salmon. Uisng a temperature-controlled aquatic facility at Western, this project will evaluate how salmon time early life transitions (hatch, emergence) in response to temperature. 

Qualifications: must be in an Honour's Specialization module in Biology, Animal Behaviour, Conservation & Biodiversity, or Environmental Science, must have completed core second year courses (including Biology 2244), must have taken multiple ecology and/or evolution courses at the 3rd or 4th year level, must be interested in quantitative ecology, must work independently and be attentive to detail.

To apply: Please contact me in January-February 2016 and provide an up-to-date transcript, cv, and a cover letter.