Maternal Newborn and Child Health in Rwanda (MNCHR)
This is a three-year partnership project between National University of Rwanda, Western University, and the Kigali Health Institute. The three main objectives of the project include strengthening Midwifery and Pediatric Nursing through pre-service training and education, development of continuing professional development (CPD) capacity for in-service health professionals, and policy development in maternal, newborn and child health.
The three main objectives are:
1. Strengthening Midwifery and Pediatric Nursing through the development and strengthening of pre-service training and education
2. Development of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) capacity in Maternal, Newborn and Child Health for in-service health professionals
3. Policy development in Maternal, Newborn and Child Health
The MNCHR project is coordinated by David Cechetto as the lead and Catherine Hickey as the Administrator.For more information visit:
Contact information: Catherine Hickey,, 519-661-3014