Transferring into Kinesiology

Below are some answers to frequently asked questions that help students understand what is required to transfer into the School of Kinesiology's undergraduate programs.

What is the entrance average to transfer into the Honors BA in Kinesiology?

  • To be considered for admission students need a 70% average and no grade less than 60% on courses completed during the current academic year (September – April). Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission, the admission average can fluctuate from year to year based on the academic performance of the applicant pool. Admission into the BSc in Kinesiology typically requires at least a mid-70s average.

Will Kinesiology admit students with an average less than 70% or a course mark less than 60%? 

  • Kinesiology first fills its class with students who meet the required average and minimum course mark stipulation. If space remains, students who have not met one or both of those requirements are then considered for admission.

Does the School of Kinesiology consider summer courses? 

  • Kinesiology does not reassess students for admission after summer courses.

What if I don’t have some/all of the Kinesiology pre-requisite courses? 

  • The School of Kinesiology will admit students to the Honors BA or Major in Kinesiology who have completed some or none of: Kinesiology 1070a, 1080b and Physiology 1021/2130.
    Exceptions: Students will not be admitted to the BSc without 2.0 1000-level sciences nor will they be admitted to the Sports Management Module without Business 1220E.

What if I have not taken a full course load?

  • The School of Kinesiology will admit students with a reduced course load.

What if I have not completed Grade 12U Biology or equivalent? 

  • Students who have not completed Grade 12U Biology or equivalent and are offered a space in the School of Kinesiology will be contacted and required to provide proof of completion of the course by July 31. Students who have not completed this requirement should investigate online/summer school options as soon as possible.

If my first choice is the BSc in Kinesiology should my second choice be the Honors BA? 

  • Review for Kinesiology is comprehensive. Students are reviewed for all Kinesiology modules starting with their first choice. For example, if a student selects the Honors BSc and is not eligible, they will be automatically be reviewed for the BA and then the Major in Kinesiology before they will be reviewed for their second choice.  A student's second choice must be a non-Kinesiology module.

What if I had extenuating circumstances that impacted my performance? 

  • Students who had extenuating circumstances impact their academic performance are encouraged to complete a Letter of Support. The letter must be submitted to by April 30. If applicable, students should submit copies of supporting documentation along with their Letter of Support.