General Equipment

Free Bench

Muscles worked: Variety

How to use: The bench can be used for many different exercises to target many different muscles, such as a bench press, a seated shoulder press, an incline press, or even for a hip thrust. To adjust the bench, pull on the round bar that is found under the bench and adjust the back portion of the bench for the desired position. The bench can be flat, on an angle, or completely upright. Pro-tip: for tough exercises, bring a gym buddy to cheer you on and spot those last hard reps.


Smith Machine

Muscles worked: Variety

How to use: This machine can be used for many different exercises to target many different muscles such as squats, shoulder presses, and even bicep curls. Adjust the starting height of the bar as needed for the exercise of your choice. Then adjust the height of the safety bars which will stop the bar from going lower than your maximum range of motion. To unlock the bar, push it up slightly, and rotate it away from the latch. To lock the bar back in place, rotate it back toward the latch and hook the bar in place. Pro-tip: this machine can be used for almost any exercise! Use your imagination or ask a Fitness Center Attendee for ideas to target certain muscles.


Squat Rack

Muscles worked: Variety

How to use: This machine can be used for many different exercises to target many different muscles such as squats, shoulder presses, lunges, and many more. To adjust the height of the rack, push up and pull out on the racks to remove it from the posts. Then, find your choice of height and put the rack back on the post and slot it down into position. Do this on both sides, and repeat the same motions for the safeties. Pro-tip: look at the numbers that are engraved into the posts on both sides to ensure your racks are at the same height for your bar.


Cable Cross

Muscles Worked: Variety

How to use: This machine can be used for many different exercises to target many different muscles such as tricep extensions, chest presses, lateral raises and many more. To adjust the height of the cable, pull on the round pin and with the other hand, guide the long arm of the machine to the desired position. Then put the pin back into its slot and hear a click noise. Grab the handle and proceed with your desired exercise. Pro-tip: this machine can be used for many exercises! Use your imagination or ask a Fitness Center Attendee for ideas to target certain muscles.


Rouge Box

Muscles worked: Variety

How to use: The box can be used for many different exercises to target many different muscles such as step ups, box jumps, tricep dips and many more. Pro-tip: You can flip the box to different sides which will make it taller or shorter for your desired exercise