Vanessa Saw


Degrees: Western University (BA '15, Women’s Studies)

Current Position: LinkedIn:

In Her Words: Why I believe Women’s Studies is important

Women's Studies is truly a multi-disciplinary field - when I majored in Women's Studies, I studied politics, economics, theory, art and literature, sociology, and psychology. The exposure to such a wide range of subjects while all grounded in a feminist perspective has made a big impact in my career and strengths as a marketer. 

The faculty at Western constantly encouraged us to look at issues from all and different perspectives, which has shaped my critical thinking and approach to tackling business challenges. 

The classroom discussions also taught me how to communicate effectively. Today, these skills are drawn upon when building distributing strategies for marketing messages through content or social media, as well as pitching ideas or presenting campaign results to internal stakeholders.

"The faculty at Western constantly encouraged us to look at issues from all and different perspectives, which has shaped my critical thinking and approach to tackling business challenges."