Mathematical Biology

Mathematical Biology: microbial evolution, the spread of infectious disease, species invasions, arterial blood flow, animal behaviour. 

Mathematical biologists at Western tackle a wide variety of research questions. The answers to the questions they ask have important implications for how laboratory science is conducted, how public-health policy is set, and how animal societies are maintained over time.  

Currently, Western has active research programs modelling experimental evolution, the spread of infectious disease, species invasions, arterial blood flow, and animal behaviour. In addition, faculty members carry out research into mathematical topics such as differential equations, and dynamical systems.  

If you are interested in graduate work in this research area, direct your application to the Department of Applied Mathematics.  

  • Lindi Wahl - Theoretical population genetics, experimental evolution, microbial evolution. 
  • Geoff Wild - Mathematical biology, evolutionary biology, modelling animal behaviour. 
  • Pei Yu - Nonlinear dynamical systems, stability, bifurcation, and chaos, mathematical biology, Hilbert's 16th problem and limit cycle theory, normal form computation. 
  • Mair Zamir - Mathematical biology, fluid dynamics, blood flow. 
  • Xingfu Zou - Differential equations (ODEs, PDEs, FDEs), difference equations, applied dynamical systems, models in population biology, disease transmission, neural networks.