Uncaptioned Videos

Your ABR Appointment

Your child has a hearing assessment booked because of a "refer" result from the hearing screening. When a baby is under the age of 6 months of age, the ABR test is the best test for identifying how loud sounds have to be for that baby to hear them. And guess what....it works best while your baby is asleep. Learn with this short video how to prepare for this important assessment.

Your Child's Hearing

Now that we have results from the ABR (Auditory Brainstem Response), let's explore what those results mean in terms of your child's level of hearing. This video helps to explain ABR testing, the pathway of hearing, and both degree and type of hearing loss.

The First Audiogram (Mild)


The audiologist will use the HL audiogram to put the results of a hearing test into perspective. This video will help you to understand how this simple graph can tell us so much about a child's hearing. The examples are based on a mild degree of hearing loss. Hearing aids help to hear soft high frequency sounds.


The First Audiogram (Moderate)

The audiologist will use the HL audiogram to put the results of a hearing test into perspective. This video will help you to understand how this simple graph can tell us so much about a child's hearing. The examples are based on a moderate degree of hearing loss. With a moderate loss a child can seem to hear without hearing aids when they turn to loud noises, but that doesn't mean they hear your speech very well.

The Importance Of An Early Start

Now that we know there is a hearing loss, what's the rush? Study after study has shown that when it comes to hearing loss, hearing aids help, increasing language quality and quantity helps, and....the earlier the better. Let's make the most of this early start.

Eyes Open Ears On

What is our goal? Hearing aids on and working all day long. It's a struggle for each parent, but success comes from trying, and then trying again. This video is designed to motivate you to work through those bumps in the road.

The Magic Ingredient is You

Babies use every day to learn language. The biggest predictor of how well a child with hearing loss does in terms of speech and language development? Parents serving as strong and consistent language models. The second is, of course, hearing aids working and worn all day long.

Keep On Keeping On

How to keep those hearing aids where they belong (on those little ears)? This first video of tips helps with getting hearing technology on it the first place, and it also emphasises the need to keep them on whenever baby's eyes are open. Eyes Open Ears On.


How far has your child gone today in terms of speech and language and listening development? Research tells us that the more hours a child wears his hearing technology each day, the better his development will be.

From Hear On

Hearing aids make the most of the hearing a child has. Finding out hearing aids are needed early rather than later can help with speech and language and listening development. Let's put that hearing to good use today.

How Technology Helps (Mild)

How technology helps is a video describing two tools for understanding the degree of hearing loss and how amplification can help: The HL audiogram and the SPL-o-gram. There are two versions of this video. One explains the use of audiograms in relation to mild hearing loss and the other in relation to moderate. For greater losses it is recommended you view the moderate hearing loss version.

How Technology Helps (Moderate)

How technology helps is a video describing two tools for understanding the degree of hearing loss and how amplification can help: The HL audiogram and the SPL-o-gram. There are two versions of this video. One explains the use of audiograms in relation to mild hearing loss and the other in relation to moderate. For greater losses it is recommended you view the moderate hearing loss version.