International Pre-arrival Welcome Modules

All new international students are encouraged to take time to complete the International Pre-arrival Welcome Modules to learn more about what to expect in your first year - academically, socially and emotionally. We have done our best to make sure you have all the information you need to navigate your journey at Western. If you have additional questions after completing these modules - please reach out to us anytime.

Welcome from your International Office!

Welcome to Western from Western International and the International and Exchange Student Centre.

Academics at Western and Academic Culture

Learn about academic values in Canada and the Canadian classroom.

Living in London and Finding Housing

Housing options in London, things to consider when finding a home and housing assistance at Western.

Health Care, Health Insurance and Wellness in Canada

Health care and wellness at Western, UHIP, and accessing healthcare in Ontario.

Immigration Regulations for International Students

What you need to know about your study permit and other immigration documents.

Have any questions?

Email us at for more information.