Teaching Support
To contact the DesignEd team, please use the following methods:
- Curriculum & course development support:
Project request form/appointment - OWL-Brightspace support:
Submit a request via Jira - All other inquiries:
Email DesignEd@uwo.ca
Coming soon...
2023-24 Workshop Series
Conversations About Teaching (Community of Practice)
These will be informal chats about the practice and practicalities of teaching. In these sessions, you will have the opportunity to share your experience with other instructors and learn from their experiences in return. For example, we'll choose a topic and discuss how instructors have used the concept/method in their courses, what has worked well, what hasn't worked well, and more.
You don't need to prepare, just register, show up (with or without your lunch!), and join the conversation.
- Facilitated by: Najmeh Keyhani, Curriculum Specialist (PhD)
- Length: 60 minutes
- Delivery: Virtual through Zoom
Last Friday of each month (during the academic year): 12 - 1 pm
- Friday, February 23
- Friday, March 29
- Friday, April 26
Click here to register for Conversations About Teaching