Educational Opportunities

Before reaching out, please read the bottom of this page.

Postdoctoral Fellows (PDF)

Interested post-doctoral fellows should contact by e-mail Charles Rice ( to discuss possible opportunities and funding.

Graduate Students (MSc or PhD)

Potential openings for graduate students vary each year and by degree for each supervisor. Interested students should contact Charles Rice ( anytime throughout the year, but preferably no later than February for normal admission in September (admission is possible for either January or May). Students can pursue either an MSc or PhD degree in our lab through the School of Kinesiology, or through the Health and Rehabilitative Sciences graduate programs, both housed within the Faculty of Health Sciences. Interested applicants are encouraged to consult these websites for admission details, program requirements, and funding support of either program of interest.

Generally for MSc applicants a relevant Bachelor's degree is required with an overall academic average of at least 75%, and for PhD applicants a relevant Master's degree with an overall academic average of at least 78%. Currently, all students meeting these basic requirements obtain funding support; first applied against tuition and remaining support paid directly to the student. Qualified MSc students receive a minimum funding package that essentially covers tuition through a TAship for two years, and qualified doctoral students receive a minimum funding package of 21K per year for 4 years. The values for international students (non-resident Canadians) are higher to offset the higher tuition costs. Depending on grant funding situations and student numbers in the lab, some students may receive another 6-7K per year in funding support.

Applicants who hold at least an 80% average over their past two years should apply in the fall (October) for relevant scholarships from NSERC, CIHR or early winter for OGS to be awarded in the spring (May).

Undergraduate Students

Each year the lab may accept 1-2 Kinesiology 4th year research elective (Kin 4443) students. Interested students should contact Charles Rice ( anytime throughout the year, but before July for September admission, to discuss potential openings and qualifications.

Summer Students, Research Assistants, Technicians, and Working Lab Volunteers

Currently there are limited openings in these categories. Interested and qualified NSERC funded undergraduate summer studentship (USRA), or USRI applicants should contact Charles Rice ( no later than mid-January for the succeeding summer.

Before making an initial enquiry in any category above please follow these guidelines for effective and efficient communication.

Peruse this website and related links to help determine your interest and fundamental eligibility.

In your e-mail please indicate and include:

  • Why you may be interested in being part of our lab group
  • Your short and long term career goals
  • A resume or CV
  • An unofficial transcript and a list of courses and titles with grades - Except for PDFs

© 2011 The Neuromuscular Lab

Web Design by Charlie Pettypiece