Future Students

If you are interested in joining the SMD lab and having Professor Adams as your MSc or PhD supervisor, please send him an email with your resume/CV and an unofficial copy of your transcripts. Send this to sadams@uwo.ca.


The following is a list additional sources of information about the MSc and PhD programs:

General information about applying to Health and Rehabilitation Science – Speech Language Science

Master's & PhD Programs - Faculty of Health Sciences - Western University (uwo.ca)


More specific information about Speech Language Science programs and supervisors

Speech & Language Science - Faculty of Health Sciences - Western University (uwo.ca)


Milestones for the MSc and PhD programs in Speech and Language Science (uploaded Feb. 2021; check above website for most recent version of milestones):




For information about the clinical program in Speech Language Pathology:

Speech Language Pathology - School of Communication Sciences and Disorders - Western University (uwo.ca)