Programs for Stokes resistance functions

A zip file containing all programs and functions can be downloaded from the following link: File "all_resist.ZIP"

Programs to compute X^A functions.

  • File "rxa300.dat.txt". The coefficients for the X^A functions. This file corresponds to 300 terms of the series for X^A, or A^X. The generating programs are given below. The file is read by the demonstration programs, which sum the coefficients and tabulate X^A and A^X.
  • File "axitr1.f.txt". Demonstration program to compute coefficients for X^A functions.This version has most comments and the output allows direct comparison with paper.
  • File "axitr1.res.txt". The output you should get from compiling and running above program.
  • File "axitr2.f.txt". Main program to compute coefficients for X^A functions. This version writes the coefficients in the format that is expected by the evaluation subroutines.
  • File "axitr3.f.txt". Third program for coefficients. This was run in 16-byte precision as a crude way of checking rounding errors.
  • File "rxatst.f.txt". A program to test the coefficients against the asymptotic behaviours predicted by the lubrication analysis. It uses the data rxa300.dat
  • File "rxatst.res.txt". The results from running rxatst.f.
  • File "rxa.f.txt". Demonstration program using function subroutine for X^A.
  • File "rxa.res.txt". The results from running rxa.f.
  • File "rax.f.txt". A program that reads rxa300.dat and prints a table of values for RAX and W1.
  • File "rax.res.txt". The results from running rax.f.
  • File "rax-200.res.txt". The results from calculating RAX using 200 terms.
  • File "w2.f.txt". A program to evaluate the function W2 (lambda) defined in Jeffrey & Onishi (1984). The version here was not used for the paper.
  • File "w2.res.txt". The results from running w2.f.

Programs to compute Y^A functions.

Programs to compute Y^B functions.

Programs to compute X^C functions.

Programs to compute Y^C functions.

Programs to compute X^G functions.

Programs to compute Y^G functions.

Programs to compute Y^H functions.

Programs to compute X^M functions.

Programs to compute Y^M functions.

Programs to compute Z^M functions.

Programs to compute X^P functions.

Programs to compute X^Q functions.